chapter 6 The pool

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Chapter 6: The Pool

It had already been two full days of living at the dorm room with the six erotic female students as Itzumi had witnessed in-game sex scenes with all of them so far except for two out of the six. Yumiko and Ayane were the reticent young ladies of the group, and were consistently studying, visiting the library, or sleeping. Yumiko happened to be sitting in the main room that fresh new morning as Itzumi returned from her morning session. The student was sitting on the couch while reading a textbook for a science class.

"Good morning," Itzumi uttered. She was standing on the other side of the table while facing the lavender colored haired feminine youth. The reader glanced up and neutrally stared at the temporary roommate.

"Good morning," she whispered. "Do you have some free time?" Itzumi was a bit astonished to hear a response from her. She nodded her head in agreement as Yumiko continued to speak. "There's somewhere that I would like to take you to. We have a few more items to unlock there." Yumiko immediately got up and wandered over to the bedroom door as Itzumi pursued directly behind her. The door was opened with the right hand as no one else was around. Like previous situations the drawer was opened, Yumiko placed purple lenses over her eyes, and Itzumi utilized the familiar azure colored frames. Itzumi rested on the center bed as Yumiko was to her left. They were plugged into the computer as the bedroom surroundings began to fade away.

Itzumi had no clue as to where they were heading, and silently watched as the main menu explained that they were heading for the pool area. There were plenty of odd aquatic creatures there such as fish, eels, octopus, jellyfish, tentacles, and other water dependent beings resided. Yumiko selected random scenes, private settings, and she was the direct party leader with Itzumi as the party member. Their outfits were changed to the school uniform bathing suits with the dark shade of midnight blue.

"This feels like a real pool," Itzumi instantly complimented after they had emerged in the shallow area of the reservoir. The atmosphere was like an indoor pool with glass windows to the right exposing the morning glory, and to the left a wall painted with oceanic waves across it. The colors of the entire area were pretty much all the same with the sea foam teal tones along the walls. The bottom of the pool was white with cobalt tiling around the top of it. The main flooring was the usual rough tan colored sandy like surface. There were no visible exits except for one glass door that was behind them leading to a vacant hallway. No one else was around, but Itzumi sensed that if they were on public settings that there would be plenty of other Player Characters about either swimming or being violated by the various sea creatures. The deep end was straight ahead, as there was a diving board or they were currently standing in three feet of water, and the deep end was thirteen feet deep.

"Good. Relax." Yumiko gazed ahead as if she was somewhat enjoying the game. "I like variety and getting things accomplished. I hope you don't mind going through three different events in a row. I have to complete this area for the others, and doing this so briskly will do just that." She was about two feet away from Itzumi as she began to saunter forward a bit towards the four feet zone.

"Yeah that's fine." Itzumi remained close by as she too was now a foot deeper into the pool. There was an option to swim, but Itzumi had a feeling that they didn't have enough time to do anything else at the moment but wait for the lewdness to begin. "What's going to assault us, and does that mean that we'll become impregnated by three different monsters at once?"

"Fish for the appetizer, eels for the main course, and octopus for dessert," the partner explained. "Yes, there is a chance that you will have offspring later. The story here is that the aquatic animals often come out to play into the pool with the swimmers. Of course the swimmers accept the invitation of bestiality with the sea creatures. It's rather beautiful to be able to swim with the fish." Itzumi felt a bit taunted thinking about three spontaneous defiling brutes, but to hear that parturition was conceivable thrilled her a bit.

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