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July 2

"She was a piece of shit person and even worse mother" Ej said. The tone of her voice changed from what it normally would be. Anyone could tell that she really hated her mom. "What?" I questioned. No one in her family brings up her mom, maybe there was a reason and I should't be prying. But she pried about my childhood

"I hate my mother Ash just as much as you say you hate yours."

"What did she do?" she stayed quiet, "Ej you can tell me you know that right" I said sitting up, leaning against the fence.

"I know, I just repressed a lot of the memories of her, I forced myself so much to forget her I actually did."

"Okay um new question why do you hate that I smoke."

"Because of how my mom was with drugs."

"What do you mean, she was a junky?"

"Yea, weed wasn't giving her the high it used to so she got into the hardcore shit I guess you could say. She was really bad and once Leo was born she left, she left a note for my dad..." Ej explained, hatred laced her voice. "I found it first and read it, the fucking bitch said 'I'm sorry, kids aren't really my thing anymore' she left us with nothing and if it wasn't for the diner doing so well we'd still have nothing." She was quiet for a bit before speaking again. "You know after I found the note, I also found the safe opened and hundreds of stacks of money gone. All the work my dad did saving that money, she took for her addiction."


"My brother and dad know how much I hate drugs, any drug. Because of her, she was an asshole that verbally and physically abused her children for the fun of it. She is insane, and if you were to ask me, I'm glad that bitch overdosed." Elara looked shocked at her words as her eyes widened remembering she was talking to me.

"That was a lot I didn't really mean to trauma dump on you Ash." she said awkwardly laughing. "Ej you can always talk to me and I don't mind you let me."

"Ej, it makes sense why you hate it, I'll do try not to smoke near you."

"Ash there's no need my brother smokes near me all the time and so does my dad I literally sit and talk with them while they smoke it's just that actions that followed that left the scar."

"You only mean your mom right?"

"Yeah." She looked down playing with rings in her hands, she's been doing that since I asked about her mom.

"Okay because I would not let you stay in that house if you still would get hurt." I say turning my head to face her. She smiled at my comment, laying her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on hers letting the silence take over, it was peaceful just being in each others presence. It weird how we've only known each other, for what?, a little more than a week and I already feel sorta comfortable being with her. 

1 hour later

"Hey Ash, I've been meaning to ask you some thing"


"Val text me yesterday about a party that a friend from school is hosting, I wanted to know if you'd like to come with."

"Reily and Rylan can't come so it'll just be me, you, Val and Kings." She added.

"Yeah of course"

"Good because I was not gonna third wheel alone." She said standing up. "When's the party Elara?" I said harsher then it should of came out. I stood up to getting the hint that it was time to go inside. "Oh it's this weekend, I don't know who the host is though. Pretty sure its one of Val's friends."


"Ash you good?" She asked me as we walked back into her house. We stayed as quiet as possible. It was late. By late I mean like it's 2:30 in the morning late. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm glad you asked me to go with you to the party." I whisper with a smile on my face. We walked up to her room, she laid down on her bed and I laid on the couch in her room. I starred at the ceiling fan just thinking.  I don't wanna third wheel with her...

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