What kind of love do you have for me? *edited*

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July 20

Ash laid in bed starring at his ceiling fan, the more he starred at it the more he thought about what Elara had said to him that day. "Your my best friend Ash and I love you so much I can't lose you." He grabbed his phone from his side table. He knew she was sleeping but he texted her anyways. He had the whole weekend he had with Rue and everyone to think about but the only thing he could think about was Elara Jean.

ej i know your probably sleeping but if ur awake and u see this please answer me

Ash waited patiently, he hoped she'd reply. He wanted to see her, to hug her, he wanted to kiss. He wanted feel her lips on his so badly. But he knew his guard was up again. It's back to square one, that's what he told himself.

ding ding

Ashtray shot up from where he laid and grabbed his phone once again. Her name lit up on the screen. He smiled to himself as he opened the message.


hey i'm up, u okay?

u need me to come over?

i need to see you.

i'll be there in 2 minutes

are u okay?

yes i'm okay

just come over.

He kept her to her word, he watched the clock as it hit 3am. 2 minutes. Its been 2 minutes. Just as he was about to text her again he heard a knock on his window. He got up from bed and walked over. Elara could be seen on the other side of the glass. She was wearing black shorts with a hoodie. A hoodie Ash recognized. It was his. She had stolen it the first time they hung with the whole group. Ash opened his window and helped her in then shut the window.

"Ash are you okay?"

He turned in her direction, the moon light is hitting her face perfectly, her brown eyes starring back at his. He didn't really process the actual reason why he needed to see her. He just knew if he didn't he'd go insane.

"Elara you told me you loved me."

"Yeah because I do, what are you trying to get at?"

"What kind of love do you mean?" Ash stepped closer to her. Elara starred at the boy tired and confused. She didn't know what he meant by that question.

"I don't understand what you mean Ash."

"What kind of love do you have for me?"

"You know repeating the question won't make me understand what you mean."

"God Elara." He walked passed her and sat in his desk chair. He ran his hands over his face before dropping his head into them, his elbows rested on his knees. He didn't know any better way to ask that question so being straight forward was his choice. Clearly she isn't picking up what he's putting down. He just wanted to know if she loves him the way he loves her.

It's funny really, El always is starring at him yet some how it's only know she's really noticing the small things. Like the bracelet on his right wrist, the one she wore when they first ever interacted with each other, she had forgotten he took that from her. He was only wearing black sweatpants. She didn't realize till now he was shirtless. Her heart raced as all the thoughts in her head went around and around in her mind 1000 miles per hour.

"Ash." El said, he didn't look up. As she got closer to him her heart raced even faster. "Ash I need you to tell me what you mean." That's when he finally looked up at her.

"Ej I love you." He stood up and continued to talk, "not like the love I have for Rue, it's different. I want a life with you. Like I wanna marry you. Have kids and dogs, I really want dogs. " Ash said letting out a soft laugh. "I wanna be able to hug you whenever I want, I want to be able to kiss you, I wanna grow old with you. I love you Elara Jean and I will never stop loving you. You've helped heal me, even though you weren't the one that broke me." By the time Ash finished speaking they were so close to each other.

Elara was lost for words with what Ash said, she knew she loved him the exact same way. What he described to her was perfect. The perfect life to her. She knew that she wants Ashtray O'Neill to be in her life forever.

"I love you Ash." Elara started, "I love your tattoos", she traced the tattoos on his face with her finger, "I love your smile and your pretty brown eyes, I love the slit in your eyebrow, and your style, I love everything about you, your personality, absolutely everything. I love you for you. I love you for being the one that saved me without even knowing it."

The smiles they had on each others faces said it all, Ash grabbed her face gently and pulled her, gently kissing her. It felt like it was 4th of July again when the fireworks went off into the air. That's what Ash feels like finally being able to kiss her lips. The kiss was slow and passionate. Her hands around his neck and his hands around her waist pulling her closer to him.

After a minute they pulled apart, they just starred at each other smiling. Ashtray pulled her into a long hug even though he wanted to feel her lips on his again. The clock read 3:25am, they both sat in his bed cuddled up next to each other. One question still filled Ashtray's mind.

"What are we know?"

"Whatever you want us to be."

"Well I want you to be mine." Ash said smirking at the girl, she turned across from him with the same smirk on her face.

"I wanna be yours to Ash."

"So be mine."

"If that was your way of asking me to be your girlfriend you better come up with something better then 'so be mine'." Ej said in a sarcastic tone looking away from Ash trying her best not to smile. Ash turned her to look at him again pulling her closer to him.

"Will you be my girlfriend Elara Jean?"

"You already know the answer to that." She said smiling putting her hands on his face pulling him in for yet another kiss.

A/N: I feel like I made this go so fast but like I was to excited I had to write them together. I don't know exactly what might happen so please give me ideas!!! Let me know what I should change or if I should slow their now relationship down. Anyways hope you guys like my active era LMFAO

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