Hey whatcha you two talking about.

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July 11

It was around 12am, Out the Roof by Chase Atlantic could be heard throughout the house as the group walked in. The house reeked of weed and alcohol. Valerie and Kingsley clinged to each others arm as they walked around to find drinks. Ashtray and Elara followed not far behind them. Ash grabbed Elara's hand making sure not to lose her as they walked through the crowded room. Once the 4 of them found the drinks, they poured themselves each a cup of what ever mixture they thought of. They all knew in the long run, the hangover would be bad but it'd be worth it in the end. That's what they all told themselves, hoping that if they said it enough it'd be true.

Valerie and Elara were dancing along with the music swaying their hips in sync with the music. Ashtray went out to smoke, Kingsley tagged along with a drink in his hand. Everyone was having a lot of fun dancing and singing along with the music. Valerie went to talk to Kingsley and Ash, leaving Elara alone dancing. Elara wasn't one to care about dancing alone, although she didn't party often, when she did she was the life of the party. She was a free spirit and went with the flow. There never really was a plan for herself in life. She believes that what happens- happens and sooner or later the reason will show it's true colors. Because if she had a plan for her life I don't think Ashtray would be apart of it.

After awhile Elara wasn't dancing alone anymore, but she was dancing with a tall boy with dark skin and curly hair. They swayed their hips together and sang the music in each others ear. As she starred into the boys gorgeous brown eyes, Elara's smile was bright. Brighter then Ash has ever seen it since he's met her. The more he continued starred at the girl, the more anger built up inside of him. He exhaled once more before putting the joint out.

"Ash what are you starring at?" Val questioned the boy. Concern took over her face as she followed where his eyes laid. "Yo Tray you good bro?" Kingsley slurred out as the alcohol made more of an effect on him.

"Who is he?"

That's all the couple heard from the boys mouth still starring at Elara dancing with the other guy. Valerie looked at Kingsley hesitant to tell the tatted boy any answers he was looking for. Kingsley gave a slight nod and cleared his throat taking Ashtray's attention back to them.

"Who is he?"

"Isaiah Daniels."


"Yeah he goes to our school, him and El used to have a thing, they stopped talking because he's a dickhead but then sometime this summer it started up again." Kingsley explained as he took a sip of his drink. A blind man could see the anger in his eyes. Ashtray knew exactly who Isaiah was. "We never liked him either Ash." Valerie uttered trying to break the silence that fell amongst the trio. The three could see Elara and the boy walk off to get drinks, they assumed, Ashtray took the chance and walked inside. He slightly pushed the people that was in his way, few shot him dirty looks but others were to busy dancing to care enough. Once Elara was in sight he immediately walked over to the pair.

"Hey, whatcha you two talking about?"

"Oh hey Ash this is Isaiah, a friend from school." You can see the sting in Isaiah's eyes when she used the word 'friend'. Ashtray couldn't careless though. "Nice too meet you Isaiah." Ash said sticking his hand out to dab him up. The tension could be cut with a knife as Ashtray glared daggers at Isaiah. His arm over El's shoulder pulling her slightly closer to him. Isaiah hated the fact that she was so close to him but he knew not to over step since he's fucked up once. They didn't work out the first time for a reason. Himself.

say you won't let go (ashtray x oc)Where stories live. Discover now