2. The Jade Princess

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It has been 36 hours since the break-in at Borgs Industries Tower. The Ninja had gathered once again at the break-in site as per PIXAL's request.

PIXAL watched Kai walked in slowly, a unamused look on her face as she said, "You're late."

"I know, I know" the Red Ninja replied.

"Anyways, it's good to have the team together again," Zane said, "What did you call us for, PIX?"

PIXAL held a tablet in her hand and begun to explain. On the screen showed a logo of Lord Garmadon's face snarling, wearing a helmet with snake-like horns.

"I have reason to suspect that the Sons of Garmadon was behind this," she began, "since their symbol was on the girl's vehicle. They have been growing in prominence as of late but we don't know much about them."

"But we do know that they are targeting the Oni Masks," came a deep, cautious voice. An older man in green robes walked in. He wore an eyepatch over his left eye. His hair and beard greyed with age and wrinkles showed under his dark eyes. "There are only three in existence."

Jay weaved through Zane and Nya, rubbing the back of his head as he said, "I'm confused. How could you say that there are three masks when you just said this was the only mask?"

"Not only Jay. Oni," Nya clarified.

"The Oni are said to be all-powerful beings. Demons that predate Ninjago," Zane added.

The robed man looked at the casing which held the Mask of Vengeance. He went on, "Each of the Masks embodies one of the three Oni warlords. If all three Masks are united, whomever owns them will wield tremendous power."

A moment of silence filled the room before PIXAL introduced him, "This is Mr Hutchins. Master at arms and Counsel to the Royal Family."

Kai's confusion at the mentioned of the royal family was quickly cut off by Mr Hutchins, who said, "Apologies if you aren't familiar." He turned his gaze towards the Ninja. "They honour their privacy... as they do the safety of Ninjago."

"Let me guess, they have an Oni Mask too," Cole remarked, Nya trying to stop Jay's outburst in front of him.

"The Emperor will be delivering a public speech tomorrow and I am worried the Sons of Garmadon may try to steal the Mask again. We could use your assistance, that is, if you can keep a low profile."

"We're ninja," Zane stepped forward; his titanium skin replaced by something more human, "No one will know we're there."

Tomorrow came and the press had arrived just outside of the courtyard of the royal family's residence, the Palace of Secrets. All microphones and cameras were set on the seclusive Emperor, who has made his first appearance in a very, very long time.

The Emperor smiled, keeping amiable as he began his speech about his concerns over the recent events. Like Mr Hutchins, he was in green and his hair had completely greyed.

In civilian wear, Nya walked through the crowd. She had been shakened up by her thoughts. It has been almost a full year since Sensei Wu disappeared with the Time Twins. Many months since they had contact with Misako, who went to look for clues on Sensei Wu's whereabouts. Many weeks since they lost contact with Master Lloyd, who's location is as unknown as his reason for disappearing. The Ninja had halted their active missions to search for him to no avail.

"I don't like this one bit," she said through the Ninja's intercoms. "The royal family likes their privacy, why give such a public speech?" Nya's distaste of the royal family continued despite Jay and Kai's interference. The royal are just figureheads with no real power, she believed. "What purpose do they have?"

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