The Gym

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Green opened the door, sighing as he did so. Working at the Viridian gym was always tiring, but still a rewarding experience as usual. Today, a young girl had come in with a Pokemon from another region, an Altaria, and it certainly packed quite a punch.

Green was impressed, as the Altaria was certainly powerful and well trained. But it definitely wasn't a match for the Viridian city gym leader.

Until it mega evolved.

Shortly after the fluffy Pokemon transformed, Green's team was reduced to a sniveling mess. While Green's Pokemon could tackle all kinds of adversaries, mega Pokemon were still a issue. Green had even considered getting a mega stone for pidgeot, alakazam or gyarados, but decided against it, since no other gym leader had done it, and Green really didn't want to be that guy.

In any case, it had been a long day, and Green was really looking forward to a power nap in his office. He plopped down into his chair and leaned back

... Ahh, peace and quiet ...

"HEY GREEN!" a loud voice yelled.

"Go awayyy..." Green half spoke, half groaned out. Was it impossible to just have a little time to himself?

"...Green, are you ok? Blue, maybe we should come back later..." another voice which was much quieter, spoke.

Green sat up immediately. He wasn't sure why, but if he ever heard that voice, he felt lighter and happier.

"Um, don't worry about it Red, you can come in. But..." Green sighed, "Blue stays outside."

On the other side of the door, Blue pouted. "Aww, don't be a meanie, Greenie!" she giggled. Green groaned. He hated Blue with a passion, but she wasn't a bad person. She just happened to be the spawn of Satan.

"Come in..."

Blue happily skipped inside, Red trailing behind her. Green smiled immediately. "Hey Red."

"What am I, rubbish?" Blue grinned, making herself comfortable on a chair in the corner of Green's office. Green rubbed his head, still a little groggy.

"Did you need anything, Red?" Green asked, completely disregarding Blue.

"Well, Blue was visiting our house, and when we were there, she told me about your gym. She asked me if I wanted to see it, so here I am." The brunette smiled, a little pleased that Red had come to see him. And, well the gym, but he said that he had come to see him too. Green didn't really know why he was so happy to see Red all the time, but he assumed that it was because of the time Red had spent away from everyone.

"Well then, I'd be glad to show you what I've done with the place." Green said, walking out of his office with Red.

Blue looked at the pair intently, before giving a silent squeee. "Those two don't know it yet, but they will soon..." She giggled mysteriously before joining the others.


Red stared at the gym floor, which had warp panels placed strategically on the floor. " Sorta feels like I'm in a team Rocket base all over again." Red took a step forward, but hadn't realised the presence of a warp panel, and was immediately flung all the way back to the start of the puzzle, landing in a heap on the floor. "Ow..." Red moaned. He looked up to see Green and Blue smirking at him from across the gym, and felt rather embarrassed. After all, Green was far more clumsier than Red. And Blue was clumsier than the both of them combined.

"Hey, what's all the ruckus?" A voice rang out from the gym.

"Oh, Arabella! You haven't gone home yet?" Green said, walking towards the Ace trainer, before giving him a hug.

Red froze. Who was he, and why was he hugging Green? A strange feeling welled up inside Red, and he felt a little scared, but he couldn't understand why.

"Who are these, Green?"

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