Part 4.

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a/n: last one I'll update for awhile.. plz appreciate my efforts hehwhwhehwhhwh

Edgar's mission today was to tease Fang. He told himself, "what could go wrong?"

Everything went wrong. His day was absolutely horrible.

You may wonder, what happened? Heres what happened exactly.

Edgar divised himself a "plan" and he put it into action. His plan was to be overly clingy to Fang especially since the seating arrangement through the semester was him beside Fang.

He did, a lot. As in a LOT. He held Fang's hand, held onto his arm, leant onto his shoulder all with a proud smile.. or smirk.. on his face.

Though apparently, this brought suspicion towards his classmates. He didn't want Fang's reputation to be ruined because of him. He was panicking, be didn't want to ruin Fang's life. Hell I mean they weren't even dating. Who was he to be like that towards Fang?

His over thinking lead him to distancing himself from Fang. Even going as far to switching seats with Bibi to stay farther.

It's not like Fang is oblivious. He noticed this behavior just like everyone else. He was concerned, but why should he be? It wasn't like he genuinely enjoyed Edgar being clingy.. right?.. right?!

All he wanted was to talk to Edgar once. At least just once to ask how he was doing, or even greet him. Wait, why was he even trying to get closer to him?

Fang decided to just brush off his thoughts as nothing. He left those thoughts alone and tried his best to focus on class.

Edgar did feel sad but he thought it was best for Fang. Maybe he didn't like Edgar all that much. Maybe all he intended for was a one night stand right? Fang was probably occupied or interested in someone way before whatever happened between them happened.

So as soon as the bell for lunch rang, Edgar slipped out of class, Fang following close behind trying not to lose him through a crowd of starving teens. Seems like his eyes failed him and he wasn't able to follow Edgar fully.

He entered the cafeteria and immediately spotted the boy he was looking for. He looked fondly at Edgar smiling before looking at the people who were making him laugh, Colette and Bibi. He wouldn't deny he was feeling jealous, cause he was. Yet he didn't want to believe that. He looked away with a gloomy look on his face and just decided to eat.

He decided to take a seat at their table.

"um.. hey, can I sit here?"

Bibi and Collette greeted him with smiles on their faces and agreeing to let him sit. Edgar on the other hand was shoving food down his throat as fast as possible sending a small wave towards Fang's direction.

Fang decided himself that Edgar probably realized something and for some reason didn't want to be near Fang anymore. He stood up the table forcing small tears back. He left the cafeteria as well as his lunch on their table.

Bibi and Collette sent each other a look..

After Edgar finally swallowed his food he looked confused. He knows he isn't exactly best friends with Fang but hes known him long enough to notice that him leaving out of the blue isn't exactly like him. Especially leaving his food on the table so wh—


He snapped out of his daydream.


Collette and Bibi were both looking at him suspiciously.

"Dude whats up with you? You're so out of it these days."

"Um.. yeah. Sorry.. um I need to uh.. go.."

Edgar now stood from the table and ran to go find Fang.

He saw Fang going towards his locker. Edgar for some reason decided to run towards him at full speed.

When he stopped to catch his breath they were face to face.

They stared at each other, a suffocating silence filled the hall.

"You know, you really confuse me Edgar."

Edgar raised an eyebrow at this.

"Dude what are you talking about?"

Fang sent him a "You know what I mean." look.

"First, you hate me. Then all of sudden you're all over me and so clingy. Then the next you're avoiding me like trhe plague. Make up your fucking mind!"

Fang looked down trying to stop the tears that could fall from his face.

Edgar wanted to move. He wanted to speak. He wanted to assure Fang that it really wasn't like that.

But he couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. The only thing that could come out of his mouth was the name of the boy stood infront of him.


"What? Are you silent cause I know what you think?"

Edgar couldn't speak anymore.

"Thats what I fucking thought."

Fang then ran away

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