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'I love you's drip from the wall
There're fairy lights in your eyes, and mine
The walls are blue, cooled for us
Warmth on your skin, touches
I inhale you like life
Every moment is a recording of rain
There is fire on my tips
You are more lively than the greenest of pretty leaves
Our room is large, sun and all
But the bed is small, purposefully
We move in closer
You smell like home, trees, roses, laughter
Kisses on your forearms, over and over
I sit struck beholding the beauty
In the existence of the beheld
The air is flowers, purple-pink-yellow
I pull you close
A piano, not a ceiling above us
Too much music to not cry
Happy, more than the azurest blue
Your pillow is a cushion for hopes
Every night, your sleep is the existence that hugs me in bed
I fall quietly, like a faint whisper dissolving
But happy too much, you are blissful
Sometimes the noises outside shush you
I have a bad habit of talking to those
But we get back again, always and forever
Do you love me as much as I do?

I think you love me more. Thank you.

- Your Jaan

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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