Kronosia - Part 4

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     Crabb wasted no time but strode straight over to the demi shae, sweeping her up in his flabby but strong arms. He crushed her to him, pinning her arms to her sides and gave her a smothering kiss which she endured stoically as she waited for her chance to come. His tongue slipped between her teeth, and she shuddered with disgust as he filled her mouth with the taste of beer and rancid meat, while the taste of sweet shayen saliva drove the soldier on to even greater passion.

     A moment later he pulled his face back from hers for a moment and stared with undisguised lust and desire at her radiant face. She locked eyes with him and began the chanting of the spell, but her heart froze in ultimate horror as the big soldier suddenly pulled her forward and kissed her again, interrupting the spell which faltered and died with a crackle and a flicker of rosy light above her head. The reality of her situation suddenly came home to her in all its sickening horror and she struggled in near panic, but it was useless and he took both her wrists in one hand, holding them behind her back with only the smallest part of his massive strength.

     “That’s better,” he leered. “I like a girl with a bit of spirit. Now let’s see what you look like.”

      He yanked at the dress, snapping the brooch’s pin, and let it fall at her feet. She tried to catch his eye so she could try the spell again, but he only had eyes for her body. He ripped off her underwear and held her away from him while he ran his eyes and his free hand up and down her naked body. “Nice,” he said, and began to pull at his belt.

     Sounds of thumping began to come from the door, the others having figured out that something was wrong, but Crabb ignored them. He was having difficulty undoing his belt with one hand, though, and threw her away from him against the wall so he could use both hands.

     “No, please!” begged Lirenna in real fear. “Please!”

     “Don’t worry,” replied Crabb, grinning evilly as his belt finally came free and he started to undress. “I’m not going to hurt you. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.”

     “Please, I’m begging you!” pleaded Lirenna, trembling, tears running from her eyes. She stared at his face. All she needed was for his eyes to meet hers for one moment, but his eyes were on every part of her body except her eyes. “In the name of all the Gods!” she pleaded. “Please let me go!”

     “There’s no need to beg,” grinned Crabb as he pulled at his underpants, stepping out of them and stepping over to her. He didn’t bother to remove the rest of his clothing. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached out, eager to take hold of her again.

     Lirenna pointed a finger, spoke a word and shot two firebolts into him. The man cried out in pain, clutching his burning chest. He staggered a couple of paces and then fell like a ton of lard, his massive stomach bouncing like a pink, hairy jelly. “I wasn’t begging for my own life,” whispered the demi shae, staring with sick horror at what had been a living man a mere moment before. “I was begging for yours.”

     She was trembling so hard that it took her several minutes to pull her dress back on and unlock the door. Her hands were shaking so much that she could hardly hold the key, let alone turn it. Eventually she succeeded, though, the door flew open and Thomas flew into her arms, his face twisted in terrible fear as he hugged her and looked past her at the dead soldier. “Are you alright?”

     She nodded, not trusting herself to speak yet in case she started babbling and sobbing. She was recovering rapidly, though, the colour coming back to her pale face, and Thomas relaxed in relief, allowing his anger to show through.

     “No way do you ever do that again!” he said, holding her at arms length. “No way!”

     Lirenna was in no fit state to argue at the time and could only nod her head as they all came in through the door and closed it behind them. People were beginning to wonder what was going on. Freddy went off to get the other enchanted soldiers to figure out how to dispose of the body and Diana took the demi shae into the kitchen to make sure she was really all right.

The Caverns of Kronosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें