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good looking - suki waterhouse
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   the pattering of footsteps began to fill the silent void of an empty rink. nick slid on his well loved hockey skates as he nodded to his teammates, who were now entering the locker room. soon enough, the warm feeling of comfort replaced the cold air nipping at nick's nose. there was no place like the rink, and there was no people like his teammates.

clay was the first real person to get him involved with the team more, although that was so many years ago now it seemed irrelevant. nick's proud to call clay his best friend now. clay was a true rock in nick's life. he's always been there, ever since he can remember.

   nick could feel cold air grazing over his face as he stepped into the rink. bright white and navy blinded his eyes. his jersey hung loosely off his shoulders, pads fit snug against his body underneath. swift sounds of scraping ice and the tapping of hockey sticks filled the air, caused by the players effortlessly gliding across the ice. 

   practice droned on for what felt like an eternity. nicks raven hair stuck to his forehead, his legs ached, and his voice was hoarse from yelling. as tiring as hockey was, he loved it. light chatter filled the blue themed locker rooms as the guys showered and changed. nicks hair was dripping onto the cold tile floors, and the neckline of his crewneck was damp in a few spots, staining the clean cut grey fabric a dark shade.

   a loud metallic bang rang out as nicks locker slammed shut. he slung his headphones around his neck and walked out, expecting an empty rink. to his surprise, five pairs of figure skaters entered the rink. each of them hand in hand with one another.

   a tall brunette boy led the way, holding hands with a short blonde girl. nick let out a sigh and shook his head as he saw the boy. the brunette stood tall and proud, handling himself carefully and delicately over the ice. nick was immediately enthralled by the skater, so much so that he chose to sit and watch him practice.

nick made his way over to a set of empty stands, backpack filled with skates and dirty hockey gear slung over his shoulder carelessly. as he walked, he didn't take his eyes off the arena. soon enough, music began to play. nick's eyes widened with wonder as the team gracefully practiced their routine.

before he knew it, an hour had passed. the practice he had been watching suddenly came to a close and the figure skating team members flooded out of the rink. one in particular bee lined for nick, who's eyes were locked on his phone rather than his surroundings.

460 words.

cold love - karlnap Where stories live. Discover now