Wesley Binx was Belmont University's top player. Both sexually and literally, he was a god to everyone but his slipping grades led us to this very moment of shock in the university library. I was Jules Harper Riley, daughter of the dean and here on a scholarship despite having an internal pull. See my father doesn't know he's my father but on my sweet sixteen, Georgia Riley my sweet mother revealed that I was the dean's daughter. I still worked toward a full ride and now here I was topping all my classes at Belmont. you see everything was grand up until this moment.

"So can you help me?" Wesley said it so casually that it almost made me snort at his desperation. I was all about stereotyping and this jock could go knock on some other tutor's door because no way in hell is the 'BINX!' going to be helped by me of all people.

"For the last time Wesley I cannot be your tutor, im jam-packed." I gave a lax shrug to relay that I felt bad because I did, but only to some extent. Just then I spotted Ryan, my star pupil, making his way over with a test paper and I couldn't help but light up when I saw his grades. He handed over the paper with a smile as I went over it. It stunned me when I couldn't find any corrections with red ink, either he cheated or he didn't need me anymore.

"This calls for celebrations JR"

"No this means you don't need me or my study guides because you aced this with absolutely no remarks! This is actually crazy Ryan, do y'know how fucking proud I am!" I couldn't keep in my excitement as I heard multiple people shush me. In the corner of my eyes, Wesley Binx stood there looking all puppy dog, rejected.

"Wait since Ryan isn't your student anymore, can I be?" Wesley said as I stood there stunned, no reasonable explanation came to mind when he asked but I knew that I did not need to explain myself to him.

"I think I'm still going to pass, Ryan drinks on you?" I spoke fast as I looked at Ryan pleadingly, Although Ryan had become as sharp as a tool he clearly did not understand signals as he frowned and I could see his gears at work to say something that would end with me in trouble.

"JR don't you have that slot for Monday and Wednesday free at 9? I thought that was for some new students. I'm sure you asked me to get my friend on board too" he said doubtful like he was second-guessing our whole conversation but I couldn't focus on Ryan as I saw Wesley smile in triumph.

"So I'll see you Monday at 9?" Wesley asked as I pursed my lips. I needed the money and maybe I could double the price considering I was starting from scratch with him and he was desperate not to mention loaded with old money. I knew his parents were upper-class. they had old money and hosted exquisite galas after galas for cancer, baby turtles, and the adoption of pets and humans. the list went on and on.

"No that doesn't work, today at 6. preferably at a coffee shop on campus," I said as I reached into my pocket for my phone and saw three texts from my roommate. I made a mental note to ask Beth- my roommate and friend- for Wesley's number as I turned to Ryan

"Ryan how about drinks at mine, Beth's is in total party mode right now," I said as I linked hands with him and started walking away, Ryan started talking about photography I partially listened but looked back at Wesley who was long gone from where we had stood a few moments ago.


As I left the library to head home I was confused. Jules was annoyed to teach me; it was 6 in half an hour, and I had no way of contacting her. She was all stereotypes and couldn't wait to get away from me when I had only asked for help. I mean I'm great, why is she hating?

"BINX!" Jamie greeted me at the door with a foul smell that I almost gagged from, it was disgusting when it was exam season. I mean seriously some guys in my frat were animals and hygiene was non-existent to them.

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