Chapter 54 - This Note

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This note, I feel is the only way to express my feelings to you in words. Humans share their emotions this way, right? I don't know how to explain my feelings when I can just show it my way. Showing you love through action is in my nature but I wanted to try with a note that will last.

Life was hard for me, for too long.

My first sight of you was in that alley, I felt sick and hungry. The unending rain was cold and soaked into my clothes, weighing my body down. I hear the rain splash beside me and the rain stopped only for a short time before starting again. Then... I smelled something delicious. I wish I could say the smell was from you but it was the food you brought to me. I must have scared you as I ripped the bag from your hands, I was so hungry. You wanted me to follow you home but my amount of trust for humans was nonexistent, still, you brought me food... I couldn't ignore the chance for more, even if following you was some trick.
She laughs to herself at his humorous amount honesty in the note.
To be honest I didn't care what would happen to me, I had quit worrying about living or dying anymore and if coming with you will bring my end I was ready to accept it. In fact, it was almost a wish deep down.
Reading the note, it was hard to not wonder if he really wanted to die or if it was only an idea he imagined to be true.

You offered me dry clothes and blankets. Even though I didn't enter your home as a real guest, you were still giving. The longer I stayed outside the more I wanted to come into your home but was scared to even ask, I thought after denying you the first time you wouldn't want me inside. The first morning my worries disappeared when I found the bag you left behind with your letter. 'Come into my home, the window is unlocked.' it said. Then, I knew I was welcome but had doubts again when you ran into my room holding a knife, I had barely gotten into the room.

I expected you to attack me, in those few seconds I imagined us in a fight, in my mind I was planning my first move. When you fell to the floor and the place filled with the stench of fear, it seemed you didn't know that it was me in the room before opening the door. I took your knife from the floor, it would have been easy to get revenge but if I wanted to it wouldn't be with that blunt tool. My instincts told me to fight and win but there was no use in doing that when I could use you for more benefit.

In the same night you wanted to know my name, I wanted you to shut up and leave me alone. It was clear that you feared me even if you tried not to show it. You're not as brave as you want to be. Everytime you looked up at me your fingers nervously twisted into your clothing and your breathing became quiet.

When you lied about me to your friend it hurt, as if I didn't even exist, or shouldn't exist. You lied to her and kept lying with each question she gave you. I had enough and left the room, giving up on staying there to hide. She knew I was behind you and looked right at me, you didn't even notice how easily you were caught.

'Please don't tell anyone.' You told her. I was your secret.

Before, I couldn't trust you and hated the way I was treated when coming back from wandering the city. You said I smelled and forced me to bathe, but still offered to help. I took advantage of the moment and pulled you beneath me. Your embarrassed, blushing, face turned me on and I thought you were under my control but you still managed to leave me behind in the bathroom. I had to wonder what was wrong with me, was being what I am not appealing to you? Or were you that dedicated to your mate, I could smell him all over the place from the time I entered your home.

The guest room was a relief from his odor, if you found things left out of place, it was me making the area smell more... familiar. You have no idea how disgusting it is to smell the presence of another male surrounding you, urging you to feel inferior. I knew the day would come that he would be back for you and when he did, it wouldn't be his territory anymore, it was mine.
(Thats why he moved my stuff? I thought he was just curious.) I questioned if I should be offended by the mentioning of how my apartment smelled to him.
I knew when he came back it would be eventful, even dangerous, when he saw me. I wasn't afraid. I was going to be the new male of the house, I had already claimed it after all, to myself, and when he arrives he would learn quickly.

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