Chapter 11 - Heat

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The apartment was completely silent, y/n left for work early in the day leaving Taehyung alone. Neither of them spoke, or even saw each other before she was gone. He felt conflicted, still curled up in his bed fighting the want to see her already but also too afraid of the possibility of her not wanting to see him.

   He caged himself under the blankets. If he had gone outside or ran away he might not come back but if he stayed and waited he might be better off.
   It was the first day being left alone, the emptiness of the apartment was more apparent today.
Last night was all y/n could think about. She felt regretful of the way she acted. What could she do to fix it?

(The whole argument was pointless, I shouldn't let this go on any longer.) She thought while leaning against the counter of the shop.

Kelly noticed how quiet y/n was that day, more quiet than usual, and had to get answers.

   Kelly : 'What's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong yesterday that caused trouble between, uh, you two?' She spoke vaguely, trying to keep their secret and to avoid anyone knowing what she was talking about.

y/n : 'No it wasn't your fault but how did you figure out that we had a fight?'

   Kelly : 'It's too obvious. You look like you just broke up with someone. So you had an argument then, I hope he doesn't have a temper. I don't need my friend getting badly hurt and sent to the hospital.' She says quietly.

'You think he would get angry and hurt me? Hmm.'

The event from days ago came to mind, the day when Taehyung was attacking that man and the police had to get involved. If the officer couldn't handle his strength then I am done for.

(He only did it because those guys were messing with him first but what if that were me, what if I were to make him angry? I can't be sure of what he would do.)

Kelly: 'He is really strong. If anything happened you couldn't do anything to defend yourself against him.'

   Her thoughts only kept getting worse.
Y/n never asked for all these obstacles, she never wanted to worry about being in danger in her own home. Kelly interrupted, trying to bring some comfort to her troubled friend.

'Just take things slow and get to know him more but remember, you don't have to keep him around if he is just going to cause you trouble, and if you want to tell him to get out call the police first just in case.'

(This whole topic is making me feel depressed.)
   Hours later y/n returned home prepared for anything, that was what she thought but she was not expecting this. As she walked through the door the place was too quiet, he was nowhere in sight so she first looked in his room. This time she knocked before entering.

y/n : 'Can I come in?'


y/n : 'Are you in there?'

Still nothing

She peeked into the room and found a small mountain on the bed, Taehyung was still under the blankets and had been there all day.
   Y/n uncovered him to find he was sleeping. The way he was positioned expressed how he was feeling, curled up with his hands covering his face and his tail between his legs but he was sleeping quietly.
Reader POV
(I should try again later)

His eyes opened slowly and stared back at me, with ears folded back, conveying discomfort, and there was evidence of crying from hours before. He looked up at me, lips slightly parted and eyes looking big and innocent. I wanted to apologize but couldn't think of a way to begin.

'Striped Feline' Taehyung x Reader - BTS 18+Where stories live. Discover now