Chapter 4: Knight in Shining Armor

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It was about half past two when Hannah got a knock on her door. She paused her show and answered to a rather stressed-out Ernie. His blond hair was sticking up just above his ears, like he had been pulling at it.

"Hannah!" he exclaimed, "I know it's your day off, but we just got a shit ton of customers and three employees just called in sick!"

Hannah sighed and nodded, "Give me a few minutes. Head back down to the kitchen, I'll put on my uniform, and I'll be down to help."

Ernie nodded and rushed back downstairs. Hannah shut the door, turned off the TV, and pulled on her work shirt. She quickly ran a brush through her hair and pulled it back. Then, she went as quickly as she could into the pub.

Ernie was right. There was a shit ton of customers. And a lot of them were getting frustrated. Hannah hustled about the room, taking orders as fast as she could. Then, she sent those back to orders into the kitchen and started working on orders with Ernie and the other kitchen workers. She organized one tray and enchanted it to take itself to the corresponding table.

Finally, at around a quarter past three, it started to get less chaotic. The pub was quite crowded and if anyone walked through at the current moment, Hannah would have no choice but to tell them they'd have to come back later or wait at the bar.

Hannah hoped no one came in, but of course her luck is against her, because just as she was about to go back up to her room because Ernie said he could control everything now, a party of five people walked into the room.

"Hi. We're a bit full at the moment, if you'd like to wait at the bar, you may, or you could come ba-"

"No!" one of them exclaimed. She was a woman, "You'll take care of us now!"

Hannah sighed and used her hand to gesture at the pub, "Ma'am, we're full. You can come back later, or you can wait at the bar."

The, what Hannah assumed, woman's husband spoke loud and rude, "You will seat us now!" before Hannah could reiterate her previous statement, he went on, "We have come all the way across the city eat here and we are not coming back later! It is my wife's wish!"

Hannah held her hand to her temples, "Sir, I'm sorry. We simply cannot take your party right now. If you do not wish-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a rough, large hand come in content with her cheek. Her eyes widened as her hand flew up to her face. But before she could respond to what just happened, she heard the most amazing voice she knew.

"Hey!" Neville shouted, standing in the doorway. He walked toward the man, "What's wrong with you, man?"

The man snarled, "She won't seat us!"

Neville crossed his arms against his chest, "So you struck her?" he glanced around the room, "There's no room for you. She physically cannot seat you."

The group refused to move, so Neville moved closer, "I want you to leave right now. And if you come back and strike her again, I will find you and I will hurt you."

Hannah's went wide and she felt wildly turned on. She glanced at the floor. Neville didn't not feel the same for her, so there was no point in becoming super infatuated with him. Hannah looked back up when the bell above the door clanged shut.

Neville approached her, "You okay?" Hannah nodded. Neville sighed, "Good. I was thoroughly terrified."

Hannah looked up at him, "Really?"

Neville nodded in response, "Were you about to go back to enjoying your day off?"

Hannah sighed, "Yeah, actually. How'd you-"

"You told me this morning." he told her in a gentle reminding tone.

Hannah shut her eyes in embarrassment as she let out a tight, throaty laugh, "Right."

Neville smiled, "Well, I might as well go, seeing as how you're clearly full."

Hannah found her heart dropping with those words, "Oh." she suddenly thought of an idea, "Do you have time for a walk?"

Neville leaned forward slightly, "A walk?"

Hannah felt her heart tightening with nerves as she nodded, "It's a bit loud. I'd have trouble doing anything with this rush just below me." she lied.

Neville smiled, "I- uh- I actually do have time."

"Great- uh- I... I'll be right back." Hannah said and she ran to a small cupboard near the kitchens. She kept her coats in there, since it was right there. She grabbed thin coat she got from her father. She pulled it over her shoulders and rejoined Neville, who was waiting by the door. Then, he held it open for her and they left the pub.

Hannah couldn't but smile. She'd always thought Neville was the sweetest boy in school. Now she thought he was the politest man in the world. She only wished he saw her as more than a friend. She slowed her pace a little as soon as she thought.

Neville slowed beside her, glancing over at her, "Are you okay?"

Hannah nodded. She couldn't tell him why she'd slowed down, so all she said was-

"It's a bit warmer than I thought."

Neville laughed lightly, "Would you like to take your jacket back?"

Hannah shook her head, "If I do that, I'll get cold later."

Neville and Hannah walked down the street for a little while longer. Eventually, they found themselves looping back to the pub and Hannah couldn't help but admit to herself that that was the nicest walk she'd ever had with anyone. Neville didn't force personal conversations, but that didn't matter. Hannah liked talking to him, so she found herself saying whatever came to her mind. Neville didn't disagree any specific opinions, and Hannah was glad of that, because she had quite a few.

And Hannah especially liked that it didn't feel awkward if there were ever any silent pauses for more than five minutes. Neville didn't force the conversation to keep going and Hannah liked the pauses. Pauses gave her time to catch her breath. When they finally back to The Leaky Cauldron, there wasn't as much sound coming from inside. Neville smiled as he opened the door for her.

"You know. I don't think I've ever walked with someone and actually wanted to remember it." he caught what he was saying when he saw her confused look, "What I'm saying, Hannah, is I'd like to take another walk with sometime."

Hannah felt an excited smile creep onto her face, and she gave him a small nod, "I'd like to, too."

The Auror and The InnkeeperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora