Style Boutique: The Beginning

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My eyes sparkled with excitement.

I couldn't believe it!

I was going to run my own Boutique!

After months of working at Primavera, under Grace's stern but wise gaze, I finally got the chance to run my own shop. Thinking of all the fashion, and style I could bring into the city had me bursting at the seams.

A country gal like me never would have thought this would be possible, but all thanks to Renée's thoughtful gesture to Godfrey got me my own shop!

As the day began to end, I settled down into my plush bed and thought of new ideas I could bring to the table.

The money, management and time was all I could think about as I slowly shut my eyes, holding a pen and notebook to my chest.


"Wakey wakey sunshine!" I heard as I slowly peeled open my eyes, feeling the crust and stickiness from my deep sleep all over my face. I wiped off the drool, letting my eyes adjust to the figure that was sat on the edge of my bed.

The green hair and dark eyeliner was easily recognisable.

"Oh come on Char, it's 9am!" Renée sighed, pulling back the covers, letting my bare legs gain goosebumps all over.

"No!" I protested, grabbing the covers and snuggling back underneath. I rubbed my eyes and closed them again, feeling Renée's gaze on me.

"Charlene!" She huffed, yanking my arms and pulling me right out of bed and onto the cold oak floorboards.

"We must go soon! We've got to meet Dominic!" She gushed, tugging me up onto my feet and shoving me into the bathroom.

I rubbed my eyes again, the bright light being too much for my sore eyes.

"Plus, you stink! Go and clean yourself up." Renée laughed, as I heard her slowly walk away from the door.

Well, time to get ready.


I stared at myself in the mirror, will this do?

Shrugging the doubts off, I combed my hair and curled it neatly before applying some natural makeup.

Renée was sat on the sofa playing Candy Crush, when she heard me walk in. Her eyes glanced over as she gushed.

"Awh! You look beautiful." She gleamed, giving me a smirk soon after.

I smiled, looking down to the floor.

"Dominic will love you." She said, jumping up from the sofa and brushing herself off.

She locked her arm into mine as we walked out of my apartment and through the nearby park to Dominic's mansion.

It was said to be grand, and beautiful. Situated in between two woods, with birds and all sorts of flowers surrounding it.

The whole idea of it sounded magical.

As we walked, Renée told me about her boyfriend, and about the time they nearly got engaged by accident.. don't ask.

We giggled with eachother, looking at all the flowers and dog walkers that passed us by. Renée had always wanted a dog, but everytime she asked her partner, he would always reply with a flat out no.

I felt sorry for her in a way, her relationship didn't seem healthy at all.

I glanced off into the distance, finally seeing the gate to Dominic's Mansion. A knot formed in my stomach, but I felt excited. I was ready to start this new journey of mine.

And who better to do to it with?

Renée and Dominic.

Renée knocked on the door, her hands shaking a little. She seemed nervous too.

The big oak doors opened, and a small girl peeped her head out. She wore swirly glasses and had dark straight blue hair that passed down to her waist.

"Hello. I'm Eunice. Who may you be?"

Renée gulped.

"Well, this is my friend Charlene and I'm Re-

She was cut off abruptly, as Eunice walked off coldly.

"Did I say something wrong?" She sighed, as I shook my head in confusion.

"Well, I don't think so." I replied.

Suddenly, a man approached the open doors, wearing a suit and tie.


Oh my goodness.

Style Boutique: Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora