Chapter 2: Reincarnated?

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After some sleep, I open my eyes to see where I am. Wait, isn't this adventurers conquest, isn't that Josh, Kyle and Wolford, and looking around, this is the tempo guild!. :-\ when did I log into the game, did I headbutt my laptop?, no, I remember laying on my bed and even if I did headbutt my laptop and logged in by mistake, I didn't put on my VR goggles and even if I miraculously did, I should be able to feel the real world and remove them . . . . . this is real. Does that mean I reincarnated into the game, no I'm supposed to reincarnate to another world, does that mean that the game is another world O_o.

Fun fact: Reincarnation and Transmigration is different.

Part 2: Whose Satou?

It can't be possible, this must be a dream, a veeerry realistic dream, dammit, you can't find a dream this realistic :-P. Maybe I should go talk to my 'past' friends, maybe they'll know what's going on.

"Hey guys, do you know what's going on?"

I said waving at them

"Huh?, if it isn't Satou. Good thing you're here, we were just about to continue the quest"

Josh said with a smile while Wolford smirked and said

"You know we are in the lead, Satou so don't hold us back"

"We're continuing into Oni cave so everyone carry your strongest of equipment including you, Satou"

". . . em, whose Satou?"

I asked

"huuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!! "

They yelled

Fun fact: Moto's otherworld name is Satou.

Part 3: Amnesia

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

Wolford exclaimed while pushing forward

"Slow down, Wolford"

I spoke

"Whose Wolford, The names Danga"

He pointed at himself


I said confused by the strange name.

"What is your name?"

Kyle asked me

"Moto Ku..."

Wait, they have different names including me and even talk differently, ⊙﹏⊙ are they trying to prank me or did I truly reincarnate, no I should have restarted as a baby so I must have transmigrated.

"Huh, what's the stop?"

Wolford said then it's better to keep it as this.

"I don't remember"

I answered

"Then you have amnesia"

Josh said

Fun fact: Amnesia is not a sickness but a condition.

Part 4: Switch


I exclaimed slightly confused

"Yeah, amnesia not being able to remember your memories, you must have got it when you went ill"

Josh continued

"I went ill?"

I asked still confused.

"You almost died from the sickness, actually we thought you died from it"

Kyle added while closing his eyes in thought.

"But you woke up even after your heart beat stopped for a long time"

Kyle continued after his initial silence.

"We thought you were resurrected by a priest but there was none near by so we deemed it that you were revived by god"

Danga said this but I believe this guy actually died, wait does that mean that I switched bodies. If i transmigrated into his body then he should too.

Fun fact: Satou is 173cm tall.

Part 5: Weird names

Yeah, this is bad. Another person's controlling my past world body, what bad things will he do with my body, what bad things will I do with this body.

Oh well, there is also a chance I just took over his body and the past owner reincarnated to my world. There is also a chance that the past owner soul is still in this body even after death and I just took over so his soul would be in a dormant state, I think (;ŏ﹏ŏ).

"I know everything seems confusing but don't worry, we are ready to help you so first with the introductions, my name is Link"

Josh said hence starting the the rain of weird names.

"My name is Teri"

Kyle said

"My name is Danga and your name is Satou"

Fun fact: Link is 170cm tall.

Intermission: I am Satou

"Let's go get some fried centilupe!"

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