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Day 5 - Friday

Draco was on his way to the Ministry, though he had felt a strange reluctance to leave the apartment. But getting some fresh air probably wasn't the worst idea, because the tension between him and Granger had already become unbearable again. They snuck around each other, each trying frantically not to say or do anything wrong. He, however, desperately needed to collect his thoughts, and he also had a bone to pick with Blaise, which hopefully would distract him a bit. This time, his friend had really overdone things.

Shaking his head, he strolled along the banks of the River Thames while he thought over the previous day. Not only had he and Granger had sex for the second time, they had also had a relatively reasonable conversation afterwards. Considering the fact why he had brought her into his apartment in the first place (namely to annoy her) it was really hard to believe. And he also had to admit that he had kind of liked it.

Both the sex and her presence had done him good in a perverse way, and that was what was worrying Draco now. He returned to the origin of his thoughts. There was one question he kept asking himself and just couldn't answer. What the hell did he feel for Hermione Granger? Could he feel anything at all for a woman who was a Mudblood, a traitor, and a prostitute? He shook his head with a sigh and resisted the urge to kick the promenade wall hard. A sprained foot would not solve his problems.

Draco was almost relieved when he finally reached the Ministry. Now he could put his thoughts away from Granger and concentrate on his actual task.

He crossed the entrance hall with a few steps and made his way through wizards and witches who were rushing through the endlessly long corridors to do their work. When had been the last time he had been here to actually concentrate on his work? It seemed like ages ago. His mind was always elsewhere lately and Draco could've cursed himself for it. He knew exactly what was in store for him if he wouldn't earn successes in Potter's case soon.

He deftly dodged a swarm of small memos and continued on his way. After a few minutes he was standing in front of the black paneled door that marked the entrance to Blaise's office. It was closed, but the black-haired half-Frenchman's voice came through the wood very clearly.

Instead of waiting for Blaise to finish his conversation, Draco announced his entrance with only one quick knock and then unabashedly burst into the room. Only after a few seconds of surprise, during which the room seemed completely empty, did he discover his friend.

Blaise had been sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, seemingly chatting with someone in the flames. But before Draco could get a closer look at the shadowy figure, it disappeared with a crack of the logs and Blaise sat up. There was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, which Draco saw with satisfaction. Blaise did well to have a guilty conscience after his yesterday's performance. And he would need a good explanation for it, because Draco would not rest until he knew why, for Merlin's sake, Blaise had sought out Granger for a private conversation instead of speaking to him first.

"Draco," Blaise said curtly and Draco closed the door behind him, eyes still on the fireplace.

Who had Blaise spoken to? Curiosity rose in him and he tried to suppress it, not to be distracted from the real reason for his visit.

"What was yesterday about?" he finally asked razor sharply, crossing his arms over his chest while giving Blaise an ice-cold stare. "Why don't you talk to me if you have a problem? What's all this fuss about Granger?"

His voice had dropped to a snarl and Blaise was looking increasingly worried.

"You should know that better than anyone, Draco," he eventually hissed, licking his upper lip nervously. "You march in here after days of not doing your job properly, and dare to insult Umbridge. Don't you really know what kind of situation you're in? If you continue like that, you'll soon be in a little cell in Azkaban with the dementors sucking out your soul - and that would be the nicest option."

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