"Pleas of the Damned"

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"Pleas of the Damned" 

If peace was without you 

I don't want it at all 

If heavens could beg, it would be on its knees 

Two words and the universe will break its course 

Damn those lips that can create storms in the sea 

And the hands I'll willingly fall into 

One could only wonder 

 All these powers you have over me 

Enough to create chaos and haven 

For one who has been a victim of Eros 

It cannot truly escape the curse that fell upon 

 Do you recognize yourself in these words? 

The pleas of a maiden who wishes to be heard 

But has no courage to even whisper your name

 If only you know how much I adore you 

You would probably shiver 

I long to see the same sunsets you see 

I hope to get a glimpse of you 

Truly mad, aren't I? 

Asking for the things you'd hardly give 

So, if the skies forbid to hear my prayers 

I just hope I'd soon find my way, far from you 

I'll let myself bleed in these poems 

But once I stopped writing about you 

That'll be the day I'll liberate myself from the "what might have been" 

Until then, I am still damned. 


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