Chapter 8

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"We're nearly there"

With controllers in hand lizzie and hope have been playing on the playstation sitting on the couch starting an hour ago

The blonde starts hitting the buttons ferociously defeating the evil monsters as next to her hope without bother easily annihilate the grubby creatures

Walking into the living room the brunette shows her face ignoring the two engaged in the game and reaches for her curler

Getting distracted hope takes a pause her eyes now on the other girl

Josie can feel hope's eyes on her but continues to not notice her looking her way


Lizzie shouts throwing her head back

Hope looks back at the screen seeing the words defeated

"Oh man"

The cheerleader smirks leaving the room

Heading for the door Josie sees Hope leaning against it with her arms crossed

"Really giving me the silent treatment"

"I have nothing else to say"

"Stop being a stuck up bitch josie"

"God I hate you u need to move out the way hope"

"How many times do I have to apologise"

"I don't want anything from you"

Moving aside hope lets the girl walk out as she kicks the wall in anger frustrated at the stubborn cheerleader

Cleo and Maya meet up with Josie as she fills them on her date with rafael along with other things

Buying slushies Josie pays for it in her card as she hands her friends one whilst also ranting

"The nerve of her"

"Is this about Hope"

"Yes it's about mikaelson everytime she's always there at my house"

"It sounds like she's getting to you"

Making a stop she turns around as her friends try to not meet her eyes feeling her irritation

"No she isn't I'm immune to her"

Cleo and Maya don't seem to believe there friend but know not to comment on the matter

"Anyway why don't we hit the malls I heard there's a new store"

"Hmm I do need some more makeup"

"Then let's go"

Dumping her cup holder in the garbage can josie orders a cab as the three girls head for the shopping mall

Baking some brownies Caroline whisks into a bowl as Tyler walks kissing her side

"You look so good in that apron"

"Already missing me"

"Very much"

They kiss before Caroline gets back to adding some cocoa powder

"I'll go check on the kids"

He makes his way to the living room finding Hope still playing in the console

"Hope have you seen Lizzie"

"Gone on a bathroom break"

He sits on the sofa next to her intrigued by the television as Hope fights the gremlins

"I'm pretty good at gaming myself I played it with my mates at the office sometimes"

"Cool here take this"

Hope throws a controller as he catches immediately tapped in the game

Half hour passes as Tyler and Hope level up beating monsters there nearly at the finish line until the electricity goes out


they both shout as the television blacks out

Caroline holds up the plug unimpressed

"Enough gaming for the day it's seriously not good for your health"

Just then a giggle comes from behind

Holding some designer bags Josie smirks at Hope as her mom gives a lecture about how bad gaming can be for the mind

Hope doesn't miss girl as she walks up the stairs smug as fuck 

Lizzie comes down in a rush with having the game in mind ready to pick up the controller until she finds her mother holding the wires up

"Mom what the hell me and hope we're nearly gonna beat that score by that gamer lord zalcus"

A contact name with a number comes up on hope's phone with a heart next to it as Lizzie tries to get a better look at it Hope rapidly scoots away with the phone still ringing

"That's my cue to take this sorry guys"

Lizzie follows Hope's movement as she watches her best friend take the call outside away from prying ears

Caroline shoots a look at Tyler

"What I used to be a pro at gaming"

The blonde shakes her head whilst smiling at her cute and soft hearted fiancé

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