the puppy

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Billy didn't like the dog at all,it was just staring at him with those big puppy eye's wagging it tail at him "What are you looking at?get lost mutt" billy glared at the puppy who whined

Stu had gotten a puppy,since his parents weren't home most of the time and he felt lonely of course he passed it through his parents first and they thought it was a good idea so stu wouldn't left alone at the house while they were on a business trip

But billy he didn't like that idea because now he has to share stu and he for one does not like to share stu

"Hey buddy look what I got for you" stu entered the living room putting a bowl of water and food down on the floor and the puppy instantly went over to the water and food

"Why do you look so grumpy?"stu question titling his head to the side a bit "Am not grumpy,it's my normal face" billy said crossing his arm's and stu giggled "babe are you jealous of buddy?"stu question with a smile on his face

"Am not jealous of a dog it's just I don't like sharing you" billy admitted "aww" stu walked over and untangled Billy's cross arms and sat on Billy's lap

"I'll pay equal attention to the both of you" stu said and billy wrapped his arm's around stu mid section "you should just get rid of that mutt so you can only pay attention to me" billy suggested

"but buddy is so nice and it doesn't get lonely in the house anymore" stu told him and billy sigh "fine but that mutt better not bite me" billy grumble and stu giggled and kissed him and soon they started to make out

As they were making out,buddy jumped on the couch and barked at them and they pulled away,stu chuckle as billy groaned "Hey buddy!you want some attention too huh come here buddy" stu got off of Billy's lap and sat next to him as buddy walked ontop of stus lap and started to lick his face and stu laughed

Billy just glared at puppy before the puppy decided that he was his next victim and billy groaned as he started to lick his face "ugh" billy said pushing the dog away from him and wiping his face of the dog Salvia

"Damm mutt " billy mumble "billy would you please try and like buddy..for me?" Stu said giving him his best puppy eye's and billy couldn't resist "fine" billy said and stu grinned pecking his lips before standing up

"Where are you going?" Billy question "Am just gonna get a few things for buddy and someone has to take care of him" stu said grabbing his keys "wait!are you just gonna leave me with this mutt!?" Billy said and stu nodded " please talking to you billy " stu said giving him one more peck before leaving the house before billy could protest

Billy turned and glared at the dog "guess it's just you and me mutt" billy grumble under his breath before he fixed himself so he was laying down on the couch and he turned on the TV

As billy was watching TV,the dog jumped on the couch and layed on his chest ,billy looked at the dog but he left it alone and continued to watch TV

When stu came back,he smiled as he found buddy sleeping ontop of a sleeping billy ,he quickly got his camera and took a picture of them

Stu giggled to himself,billy would definitely love buddy now
615 words

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