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"You're an idiot!"

"You're worthless!"

"Pathetic excuse of a son!"

"Don't try to do better!be better!"

"Are you always so stupid!"

The voices kept repeating the same thing's over and over in stu's head ,every single day but everyday at a specific time the voices will stop because stu's mind would be occupied with something else and that something else is pain ,the stinging throbbing pain in his wrist and thighs

Stu would cut himself at a specific time to stop the voices from talking, the cutting gotten so bad that the cuts have reached up his elbow on both arm's and on his legs the cuts reach to his knees

Nobody had noticed that stu been wearing long sleeve shirts or that he hasn't been wearing shorts or never changes in a locker room anymore

Currently stu was in class sitting next to billy ,focusing on the pain in his wrist clenching his fist to make it hurt more to ignore the voices that are getting louder in his head

"-being pathetic!"

"You're exhausting!"

"I wish you were never born!"

"All you do is cause problems!"

"You're a burden!"

"Fucking kill yourself!be doing everyone a favor!"

Stu let a small whimper escape him and billy looked over to him notcing stu was looking at his paper but then he noticed a stain on stu's sleeve "stu" he called out to him in a whisper but all he got was another whimper and a sniffle and then he saw a tear drip into stu's paper wetting it

"Stu,are you okay?" Billy asked concerned,stu didn't answer instead he stood up from his chair and ran out of the room "Mr. Macher!"the teacher shouted and billy stood up from his chair and rushed after stu
"Mr. Loomis!" The teacher shouted but sigh giving up

Billy followed stu into the bathroom and stu was mumbling something lifting up his sleeve not notcing billy and he was about to try and open the wound more when billy grabbed his hand stopping him and stu looked at him finally notcing him ,his eye's widening and he started to shake his head

",you're not supposed to find out..nobody was supposed to find out" stu mumble out and billy looked at him his heart breaking ,his eye's stinging but he didn't let the tears drop because he could break down because stu needs him right now

"Hey stu..stu baby look at me" stu looked at him and billy heart broke into pieces,stu looked so sad and so miserable,why didn't he noticed before ,why didn't stu tell him

Billy looked at stu's wrist knowing that it needs to be cleaned and wrapped mabye some stitches

"Stu,we need to take you to the hospital " billy said and stu started to shake his head " hospital''ve got a first med kit in my room" stu mumble out

"Okay..okay we'll go to you're house and then you're gonna tell me why" billy said gently dragging stu out of the bathroom and out of the school and into his car

Billy arrived at stu's home in minutes and he used stu's keys to open the front door and he led stu into stu's room grabbing the first aid kit and lifted stu's sleeve up more but froze noticing the scars "oh stu" billy whispered out and he got to cleaning stu's wound

"Do you have any more open cuts I need to know about?" Billy asked after wrapping stu's wrist with a bandage and stu shook his head and billy took a seat next to him

"Why you do it stu?" Billy softly asked "th-the voices wouldn't stop talking" stu told him sniffling "they would only stop when my mind is occupied with something else" stu added

"So you would cut yourself " billy said and stu nodded "a-and because I wanted felt so good billy,I couldn't stop" stu said

"It's okay,I'm gonna help you stu" stu shook his head "you can't make the voices stop"

"Tell me what the voices tell you" billy said pulling stu into his arm's "I'm pathetic " 

"You're perfect "

"I'm stupid "

"You're smart"

"I'm exhausting "

"You're not"

"I should die"

"No,you shouldn't,there's a lot of people who love you" billy said "yeah like who?" Stu asked looking at billy who had tears streaming down his face "me,I love you so much stu and it hurts me seeing you like this" billy said

"I'm sorry billy " billy shook his head "don't apologize " he told him "billy..I need help" stu cried out clenching into billy "we're gonna get you help baby" billy said kissing stu's head and rubbing his back

Billy had gotten stu help and it took a while but stu got better but he still had some bad day's but billy was there and will help him through it

828 word's!

Sorry for the shitty ending!

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots || Book One Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin