chapter 8

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Roman pov
Me abby seth and dean were sitting in the main room watching some tv beens we had a few days off
Abby and seth were cuddled up even tho they ain't together anymore I can really see how much they love each other and I know they are not together because they don't want to lose dean but it must be hard for them I noticed dean was starting to nod off so I pulled him in to me and put my arm over his shoulder as his head now rests on my shoulder seconds later his eyes closed again and his breathing evened out as he fell asleep when I film ended I looked down at dean he was still asleep I looked over to seth and abby noticing abby had also fallen asleep cuddled up to seth he looked at me and smiled "what we gonna do with these two" he wispered "don't no dude" I wispered back with a smile
I moved dean's head off my shoulder and got up lieing dean down and put a different film on and went back over to the sofa and lifted dean's head and sat down putting dean's head back down on my lap and me and seth watched the other film while dean and abby were asleep we talked alittle quietly not to wake dean and abby
1 hour or so later abby woke up dean was still asleep
After a while abby and seth left to go to the gym and get some food I stayed here with dean who was still sound asleep I put my hand down on his chest witch coursed him to flinch alittle witch made me jump he didn't wake up tho I lifted his top up carefully the marks and bruses on his ribs and stomach were alot worse now I suppose they will all get worse before they get better
I lowered his top back down and look down at his face he always looks so Innocent when his asleep but when his awake everything is hidden behind walls and barriers but when his asleep they come down and you see the real him and I wish he would let the walls down and let people in like me seth and abby all know he trusts us and we know a few things but his never really let us in his never let those walls down I think it would help him too if he would have someone to talk to about things when they get to much for him

A little while later
I had gone and had a shower When I came back in the main room and dean was awake and sitting up watching TV
"Hey your finally awake" I said going over to him he looked away from the tv and looked at me as I sat down next to him "yup" he said then looked back at the tv "you alright" I asked "yeah I'm good" he said "ok" I said "Where's seth and abby" he asked "they went to the gym and to get some food" I said he nodded a few minutes later seth and abby walked in "Hey guys" they said "hey" we said they put the food down on the table and then went for there showers "roman can I ask you something?" Dean asked looking at me "sure dude" I said "do you think those 2 really love each other" he asked "to be honest yeah I do" I said "I feel like shit like cause if they really do and I'm keeping them apart like what kind of person does that make me" he said "dude look I understand where your coming from with this I really do if I was in your shoes I would of done the same thing" I said "really" he asked "yeah I would of but I mean if they really do love each other maybe you should see how things go" I said "yeah" he said sighing "everything will be ok dude" I said patting his back "im gonna go get some air I need to clear my head" he said "Alright dude" I said as we stood up and he went out the door a few minutes later abby and seth came in the room "Where's dean" seth asked "went for a walk he needed to clear his head" I said "is he ok" abby asked "he just feels like shit for keeping you two apart If you really love each other" I said "oh" they both said "yeah he will be back soon so don't worry" I said they nodded and we sat down
Half an hour later it started raining and dean still wasn't back yet
"I'm gonna call him" I said they nodded
I got my phone and went though my contacts to find dean's name one I did I called and put it on speaker

"Hello?" Dean said
"Hey dude where are you" I asked
"Oh im at a bar" he said
"What thought you where gonna get air and come back" I said
"Yeah I was but ran in to a few old friends and decided to hang out" he said
"Oh right well where are you we'll come meet you" I said
"you remember the bar we came to last time we were here" dean asked
"Yeah" seth said
"We are in there see you in abit" he said then hung up

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