Pumpkin Picking | Jacksepticeye X Reader

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Prompt: "Pumpkin patch"

Day: 3/31

It's currently midnight. Sorry for the wait.


"Where are we going?" Sean asks for the one-hundredth time. "I already told you, it's a surprise." He furrows his eyebrows, "But you're driving us somewhere an hour outside out of Brighton. Shouldn't I get to know where I'm going to be killed?" 

I scoff, "Why do you think that?" He glances over at me. "Because you're driving us to the middle of nowhere and you won't tell me why." I roll my eyes, "I can assure you you aren't going to die. We're almost there." 

Sean and I have known each other for a few months now. We met at VidCon, and have been friends ever since.  The usual Brighton weather has kept the sun hidden behind the clouds and visibility to a minimum.

And to think the news said it wouldn't be cold for the rest of the week. That's why I chose today to go. Finally, I see the sign for our detitanation, making the turn into the parking lot. Sean frowns, "You could have just told me we were going to a pumpkin patch."

I lightly chuckle as I park the car and we get out. Thousands of orange spears are sporadically placed across the dewy field, wet with last night's rain. To the right of the field is a plain building, in which I assume is where you pay. 

"Ooh, Y/N look at this one!" Sean runs over to the tree where a giant pumpkin sits. I follow him, water seeping through my shoes from the grass. "That one's huge." I comment. Sean sets a tiny one on top of it. 

"It's got a buddy!" I giggle at his childlike energy, thinking it may have rubbed off some. 

Sean and I wandered around the field cracking jokes and having a good time. In the prosses we found two choice pumpkins to bring home. I got an average orange one, while Sean picked out a white one about the same size as mine. 

We each paid for our own and put them in the car. A light drizzle of rain gently falls from the sky in which now appearing to be slowly darkening. "Let me drive," Sean says as we begin to get in the car. "Why?" 

"Didn't you tell me we needed to hurry because you didn't like driving in the dark?" I nod, "I did, but I'm the one who brought you out here. Shouldn't I take you back?" 

"Just let me drive, ok?" I roll my eyes, "Fine." I hate Sean's driving. He goes too fast, in my opinion. I'm surprised we haven't got any speeding tickets yet. I get and the car and make sure to buckle up. I'm not looking to get two tickets today.

With that we begin our journey home. "So, are you going to carve those with me or him?" Sean asks after a bit of silence. "Who's him?" I add a bit of emphasis on the "him" as Sean did. "You know, the guy you spend most of your time with?" 

"Mark?" He nods. "Mark." 

I stay quiet for a moment. Mark and I have known each other for a while. We also met at VidCon, but the year previous to me meeting Sean. Mark was actually the one who introduced the two of us to each other.

"So, you're saying you're jealous?" A touch of amusement taints my tone. "No..." His eyes flicker over to me then back to the road. "Maybe a little— it's just that you don't come over much." 

"You can come over to my place, you know?" 

"But I don't have your address."  I pull out my phone and text it to him. The default iPhone notification sound goes off at full volume. "Now you do, just don't stalk me." 

"Ok, I won't. Now where is it? I can't look while I'm driving." 

"Why do you need to know right now? It's my car, meaning I have to drop you off." He pauses to think for a moment. "Oh, yeah. So, I just go to my house then you go to yours?" I shake my head up and down. 

We finish out the drive to Sean's house and he parks in his driveway. "Make sure you come over tomorrow," I urge. "Ok, I will," He assures me. We share an awkward hug from across the annoyingly large center piece before he exits the car. 

Sean grabs his pumpkin from the truck, and runs to his door, as to not stand out in the rain longer than needed. He spares me one last wave before exiting my sight. 

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