Change is My Biggest Fear

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I'm not one to break rules.
Sure, people have more fun when they do
But change terrifies me
So, the thought of having something
That's always set in stone
Brings me comfort

I didn't know it was a rule
"No coworkers"
I mean, how was I supposed to know
A rule that you set for yourself?

So, when you kissed me that night
When you pulled me on top of you
When you put your right hand in my back pocket
And your left up my pink sweatshirt
I thought everything was fine

We stopped.
You took me home.
You kissed me goodbye.
I slept the best I had in years that night.

But then you ignored my existence at work
And turned people against me
And made it so easy to leave.

I didn't want to leave.

But now I have a new job
I have a new life
And nothing is the same
All because of a kiss.

One broken rule
And I lost you
I lost my job
I lost everything that once brought me comfort.

-It wasn't even me who broke it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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