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Meemee marilina scales
Meemee's here
Nice to meet you
I'm the duchess of meridere
Yesterday was my first day at a new school
Royals hearts
I think
I don't really like remembering stuff that isn't that much important to me
I mean yeah school is important but do I care?
Well yes,you should care abt school(stay in school kids)but yk schools not everything
You learn everyday not just from school
But yes I guess school is a good ish place for learning
Not everyday though
Some days are shit
But anyways
Enough about school
Let's talk about me!
Oh and my friends ofc
Can't forget my friends.
Meet beebaa
My best friends since diapers
Royals cribs
Baby bottles
Nibbling out moms titties...
and since training tiaras
She's the princess of meridere
No one. Could compare to her.
Her beauty
Her grace
Her intelligence
Her intuition
Her preciousness
Her glow
Her aura
Her energy
Her power
Her loyalty
Her royalty...
Her everything.
I love her w all of my mermaid heart.
And probably will forever honestly
As long as I live
I am her loyal lady royal
I will always love her
We would usually go to the beach or the school pool every morning,evening and night(and some afternoons)
We would go swimming or horse riding,but usually I'm the one riding the horse cause beebaa is kind of scared of them
I don't blame her
Tooked me about 2 years before I was good
But I learned horse riding since I was young so it was easier
Okay back to the point
Yesterday was my first day at royal hearts
And good news
Beebaa was there!
I don't have to rot alone at this place anymore...
Yeah I hate school
But,don't we all
It best to make the best out of it!
Okay so
Beebaa was there.
I met someone...
Hudson was there!
My childhood friend
He's still the same ass I remembered...
Bipolar emo fem boy who likes to suck on his royal friend royal blood.
But he's nice!
So it balances him out:>
God I've missed him
I wonder what he's been doing all those years we haven't talked
Probably just sucking on more blood and learning how to draw and tattoo himself.
Something also happend...
I met someone
Who's not Hudson
Someone who I've never met before
Someone who I didn't know before
When I first laid my eyes on him
I was like
Where have you been all my life and how did I never met you before.
He was an angel
Which is kind of strange saying he was the prince of devil town.
But oh my herithia
No angel could ever compare to him.
No one.
None at all.
He's also vv handsome:3
God I'd play with those hair any days
He's probably the most photogenic most beautiful boy Ive ever seen before
Those jawlines
Those eyes
Oh fuck I'm drooling great.
I think first day was
Wasn't that bad
I give it four n a half shells out of five
Pretty neat
And nice
Well this was nice
Talking to you all
Well I gotta go now
It's Saturday and I want to spend my time doing a love ritual w aphrodite^^
I'll talk to you all soon!
I love you all

Authors note:helloooo
How has everyone been doing
It's October now!
Cue the gay playlist I made w we fell in love in October and all of the good musics and songs I love😩
Yes ik we all have good taste(fr fr)
I've been doing great lately!
I love myself
I love my life
I love almost everything
And I love you all
I hope this October you all will fall in love w yourself and every little good n nice things in your life just like I did
Don't forget to follow my art ig account
I'm writing this in the back seat w foods and it's raining and it's really peaceful and I just love it
Just got back from hua hin so yeah
Oh and
Not sure if I mentioned this or not,I'm Thai!
English is my second language but Thai and Chinese is my first but I'm still learning
I'm bilingual
I think
But anyways
I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my summer n October now
I love you all
You're doing so good
I'm so proud of you
Bye bye loves
I'll see you next chapter
-Namon :)<3

Moomee:)&lt;3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon