Chapter 1

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Aaron POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. It was the first day of high school. Junior year. Quickly hitting snooze I decide to close my eyes for a few more minutes.

"Yo Aaron, you awake?" Alijah yelled from the other side of my bathroom door. I sucked my teeth, putting the pillow over my face, if I didn't say anything maybe he would leave. Seconds later he started banging obnoxiously.

"Come in!" I yelled.

"What you wearing today" I sucked my teeth for the second time, "You fucking banging on my door to ask me what the fuck I'm wearing" Get out" I pulled the quilt over my head.

"Aaron! LANGUAGE" my mother's voice yelled from downstairs.

"Come on man it's the first day. It's junior year bro" he said laughing loudly as he dragged the quilt off of me causing me to shiver. I stood up from my bed and walked over to turn the air conditioner off. Looking over at Alijah rummaging around my closet I rolled my eyes. If you looked at us we did't look related and the fact that we were twins made it more shocking. Favored our father and I favored our mother.

Our parents weren't together, they had broken up a year after we were born. My dad was a detective working late nights and being on call all types of the hour. It started getting in the way of their relationship plus with two kids and trying to finish her own schooling my mother had her hands full. They hated each other and tried to pretend they didn't whenever we were around but Alijah and I knew the truth.

"Yo let me borrow that polo sweatshirt that dad got you. Mines is in the dirty clothes" I rolled my eyes at my twin but nodded. Alijah was 6 feet, same as me. The height came from our father father although my mother is pretty tall as well. But Alijah was my fathers spitting image. My dad, Pedro Morales, was Puerto Rican. He was born on the island and came to the United States for College. Alijah had our fathers dirty blonde hair, and his fair skin complexion. We each had our mothers freckles scattered along our faces as well as her light brown eyes. I, on the other hand, had my mothers darker skin complexion.  I was toffee colored, with my mothers reddish-brown hair. Alijah and I were twins, obviously fraternal but you wouldn't even know we're related at first glance.

Sighing heavily I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom that attached to Alijah's and my room. Turning on the shower I let it run while I brushed my teeth.

After I was dressed I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Hey bro, mom said be ready in 10" I looked up, seeing my younger sister in the doorway.

"Thanks Kissa, I'll be down in a minute" After my parents broke up my mom met my stepdad, Mostafa, and a year and a half later they had my younger sister Layla.

Mostafa is Egyptian and he nicknamed his daughter Kissa, because it means born after twins.

"Lets go !! We already late" My mother called out. I sighed and grabbed my book bag and foot ball from the floor.

Giovanni POV:


I know things haven't been going the way we've expected this past year but I want you to have a great first day of school. Wish I could be there to see you off but my leave got denied. Be good for Aunt Abby and Uncle Kyle. Miss you kid Love You.

I reread the email that my dad sent me for the fifth time. I hadn't seen him since last summer. That was a year ago. He had promised to be here this summer and that got delayed. So then he said he'd be here for sure for the first day of school yet here I am reading this bullshit ass email. I shook my head slamming my laptop shut. I'd been living here with my aunt for the past year sharing a room with my cousin Kaden.

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