Chapter 58

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Mitsuo went down for breakfast and decided to take a walk around the nearest park, which was Taman Jaya.
There weren't that many joggers and very few people were sitting. Most of them were at the outdoor gym, stretching and working out. Mitsuo decided to just have a walk and admire the scenery on one of the benches. He suddenly decided that it would be the perfect place to write and ended up pulling out his tablet to start typing.
To his dismay, the sun was too bright and its reflection glared at him from the screen of his tablet. Mitsuo sighed and put it away, getting up to take a Grape and go to the Asia Jaya train station.
But then the fare was expensive, going to the Taman Jaya station seemed cheaper.
So he went there instead.

"You sure you wanna take the train?" Devi asked. "Nika, you better be careful. Wait for your brother and go with him instead."
Shree considered for a moment but shook her head. "Nope. I wanna go alone."
"At least take the car," Devi pushed again.
"No parking there lah, Awah," Shree sighed, checking if her phone was safely in her bag. "It's very near the Kelana Jaya station, walking distance only. It would be easy."
Devi sighed. "Be careful, okay? Call when you've reached."
Shree smiled and nodded. "I will."
She bade her farewell and took a Grape to the Asia Jaya station.

The train wasn't crowded so Mitsuo had no trouble looking for a spot.
That was until an elderly lady stepped into the train at the next station.
Right when all the seats were full.
Mitsuo immediately got up and offered the seat to her. The old woman gratefully sat down and thanked him.
And now he had to stand for three more stops.
Not that he minded since the stops were short.
The ride was peaceful and Mitsuo could just about imagine Ride on Time playing in his head as he held onto the metal bar for support. He even closed his eyes for a moment and peacefully heaved a sigh.
Next station, Taman Bahagia.
Mitsuo gasped and opened his eyes, found that it was a false alarm since his station was at Kelana Jaya.
"Oi!" A woman suddenly shouted.
Mitsuo was alerted and turned to look at what the commotion was. It seemed to come from the next coach and for some reason that sent Mitsuo on his heels, dodging the other passengers as he unsteadily made his way to the following coach.
"Is everything alright?" Mitsuo asked when he came to what looked like the source.
Mitsuo couldn't understand a thing since a whole argument broke out, with most of them muttering in Malay while some mumbled in English. He had no choice but to elbow his way to the middle.
"What's going on?" Mitsuo questioned.
A familiar young woman turned to him. The same young woman who kept running away from him when he merely tried to return what's hers.
Shree stopped short for a moment but explained. "This feller bumping into me even when I move away and he still does that. There's so much space in this coach and he want to stand here, next to me, of all places!"
Taman Bahagia.
Mitsuo sighed. It was a classic case of chikan, but in Malaysia and not in Japan. He looked at the man that she accused and frowned, seeing how he looked very much like a foreigner, maybe an immigrant.
Next station, Kelana Jaya.
His stop was almost here and Mitsuo had to think fast. He frowned and turned to the man again.
"Apologise to her," Mitsuo ordered.
The man didn't seem to understand English so Malaysian quickly stepped in, translating the phrase to Malay.
The strange man muttered an apology and left.
The crowd dispersed and Mitsuo turned to the young woman again. "Are you okay?"
Shree nodded.
"Where's your stop?" Mitsuo asked again.
She hesitated slightly. "Kelana Jaya."
"Kelana Jaya." The computerised voice informed.
"Great, it's my stop too," Mitsuo shrugged and turned towards the doors. "And no, I'm not stalking you."
Shree sighed and followed him out of the train. They made their way past the turnstiles and Mitsuo proved himself that Kelana Jaya really was his stop.
"Look here," Mitsuo said, showing her the blue RapidKL token before inserting it into the turnstile slot. The light immediately turned green and he stepped in. "See? I was planning to come here from the start. I'm not chasing you, I'm not following you around. So don't run away."
Shree frowned and swiped a card over the sensor before stepping in behind him. "Fine, I get it."
"Don't suspect me for stalking you, okay?" Mitsuo said again. "I'm just an innocent bystander here."
"Where are you from?" Shree suddenly asked. "You don't seem very Malaysian..."
Mitsuo nodded. "You're right, I'm not. I'm a tourist from Japan."
Shree looked at him in surprise. "You're Japanese?"
Mitsuo didn't know why that was very surprising. "Yeah? Is there anything wrong with that?"
Shree smiled. "Sorry, it just came to me as a shock. I haven't spoke to any Japanese people before. Hey, your English is surprisingly good."
"Thanks, I get that a lot..."
They walked towards the station exit.
"So what brings you to PJ?" Shree asked. "Also, I'm very sorry for running away when you were just trying to return my kanzashi..."
"It's fine... you didn't know, I guess," Mitsuo shrugged. "You okay after that harassment?"
"Nothing that you don't know," Shree simply said. "You guys call it chikan, right?"
"Yeah," Mitsuo nodded. "We do call it that."
Shree paused for a moment. "Anyway, what brings you to PJ?"
It took Mitsuo a second to process that acronym. "Just here for a holiday."
"In PJ?" Shree said in surprise. "Of all places, PJ?"
"Yeah?" Mitsuo simply said. "Is there anything wrong with that?"
Shree shrugged. "It's just odd, this is a city. A busy city. Very far from a holiday getaway, don't you think?"
"Is Tokyo a good holiday spot?" Mitsuo countered without answering her.
"Of course, there are parks, Disney, lots of stuff," Shree grinned. "Why do you ask?"
"Because it's odd. It's a busy city too, very far from a holiday getaway."
Shree looked at him in surprise. "Okay... I have to leave now. It's almost time for my appointment."
"Whoa whoa, wait!" Mitsuo quickly stopped her. "You're going alone?"
"On foot?"
Mitsuo hesitated slightly. "Do you want me to come with you? I'm sorry, I'm just a little concerned."
Shree frowned at him, shaking her head. "I don't even know who you are, aside from the fact you're from Japan and staying at Sheralbon."
Mitsuo sighed and held a hand up to her. "My name is Tadao Mitsuo and I'm from Kyoto."
"So you're from the Imperial Capital," Shree nodded, shaking his hand. "I'm Shreenika and you can call me Shree."
Mitsuo frowned. "Shree... I don't know why, but that name seems very odd to me."
"Why?" Shree was slightly offended.
Mitsuo shrugged. "Don't know."
"What was your name again? Mizumo?"
"Mitsuo. Tadao Mitsuo."
Shree gasped.
"Why?" Mitsuo looked slightly offended. "Does my name sound weird to you?"
Shree shook her head and opened her bag, rummaging in it before pulling something out.
Timeless Love.

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