Chapter 3

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We have English first period, but I didn't go, because as class representative, I had some papers work to fill out concerning the up coming fall festival. We have another 3 months till then and I really want to ask sakura to be my date. As I walk out of the student council room I see sakura under the stair-case. She was just sitting there, skipping again, I never really understood how she would never go to class but always pass with a high grade.

“skipping again haruno?” I said as I walked up to her. “Whats it to you duckbutt?” she said as she looked up to face me. “you, know, I could report you for skipping. But I wont” I said to her.she raised a brow and looked at me“why not?”

“Why not?” I asked confused. Why was he being so nice? Well, he always is nice to me, it's really sweet but, he always tells on me, and makes fun of my hight. “because...” he started, “I.. I.. I love..” wait.. He loves?! Does he love me?!

Come on sasuke, you've loved her for years, you talked to her alot you hanged out with alot, granted that was because of that dove Naruto, but still, nows my chance!“I love... I love you, haruno sakura”I blushed a crimson red and turned my head away while I said that last part, I glanced at her and she had turned all shades of pink.

he loves me?! He can't be serious?!“hahaha... good joke sasuke” I said. He looked at me.“sakura,Im not joking, I've loved you since kindergarten” he said. “your.. your lying” I said looking away, I can't believe HE Has a crush on me, to be honest I've liked him to.Suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me! He kissed me! I gave into the kiss and kissed him back. “still think I'm lying cherry blossom?” he said. I looked away embarrassed. He called me cherry blossom! “so does this mean we're a... You know” I asked shyly. “yes, we're a couple” he said.

Little did I know the problems that would follow.

A/N:Hi guys! This might be the shortest chapter I wrote but just to let you know, I'm writing this before chapter 2 is even published. So I have a schedule when I post, I'll post once or twice a month depending if I have the next w chapters down

Note:don't come at me and say it's to rushed, I just want to start working on a new better story I will come back to edit this

❤︎𝘔𝘳.𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘳𝘴.𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳❤︎Where stories live. Discover now