Chapter 1

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It was a normal day of a vacation, this day I went hiking. It doesn’t seem like anything bad would happen, right? Wrong. I would say it was fine but it wasn’t, it’s just another day.

As I walked through the forest, I thought to myself ‘what if something happens?’. Of course I blew it off. I mean, I thought I was overthinking it in all honesty. So I keep walking till I see a nice little pond. The truth is I was out there to enjoy nature and smoke weed. I’m a stoner. What can I say? It makes things better, it makes life better…

I look around, looking to see where the best spot to set up is. I see a big, short and flat rock, so I walk over and plant my ass right there. I start to put my bag down, then I hear it, a growl. It was from behind me, but I was too scared to look bad. Because I knew there could be wolves where I was going. I’m stupid, I know. But why not do it for the thrill.

I feel shivers go down my spine, but I start moving to my hands and knees so I can see the creature behind me. I move slowly, but I still hear the growling getting louder. I twist my body around and see this huge wolf. My eyes go wide. Fear strikes me, and I know I shouldn’t run, but my body has different plans. I make a dash for it. I run around the pond and book it. I look behind me, which was a mistake, because as soon as I do I feel gravity pull me down to the forest floor. Head first I fell down a hill, glad there weren't any rocks or roots. It still hurts, but I got up and continued running. 

I came to a full force stop as I almost ran into a wall made of big rocks. I turn around to see the wolf is almost on top of me. I look down to find something to defend myself with, instead I find a hole in the rocks that I can definitely fit through. So I dive for it to get away from the beast that is trying to kill me. I make it to the other side of the wall, and as soon as I do I try to hide from the wolf. I find a corner to stuff myself in (not really the best cover, but I’ll make it work). I prepared myself for what came next, But the wolf never entered the cave. 

I was confused, but relieved. Now that I’m safe I move out of the corner I was plastered in and take a look at the inside of the cave. There’s four tunnels that lead to god knows where, But I stay where I’m at and sit down. I start to unload my backpack again and grab my pipe and load it with my sweet maryjane, after I play some music to get my mind off the fact I almost died earlier. It didn’t affect me that much, but it was still scary, you know? 

As I sat there and smoked, I forgot where I was and what had just happened. That doesn’t matter now though. It’s almost dark when I finished smoking. My first thought was to go home, but I was getting sleepy and I was comfortable. Next thing I know I doze off. When my eyes were closed, I could hear something, but it wasn’t enough to wake me up, in fact it lolled me to sleep and I suddenly felt warmer than before. I didn’t care what it was, it was just too comfortable-

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