Chapter 2

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Waking up was weird right now, it felt like I couldn’t breathe for a second till something moved, it was big, heavy and warm and as soon as it moved I started whining. I didn’t want whatever it was to move away. I mean, why would I want it to move, I was comfortable. Next thing I know is my nose catches a smell that was amazing, not like food good. It smelled like rain and a cozy fire. It smelled like heaven, but the smell was getting lighter. Like whatever that smelled good was leaving, I didn’t like it so I started whining again. 

I heard a deep whine back and the smell returned. What I still didn’t know was what it was. That was a problem so I opened my eyes for the first time this morning and saw another huge wolf. I panic and back up into the same corner that I was in yesterday. It was so beautiful, but so scary. It was a black and gray wolf with a fluffy coat. It didn’t move, just stared into my eyes for a long time. We both didn’t move till we heard another wolf’s growl. The black and gray wolf turned around to the brown wolf that just entered from one of the tunnels.

They growled at each other for a minute before the brown wolf left the way it came. The black and gray wolf turned back at me and started walking my way. At first it scared me, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t hurt me so I stayed where I was.

He stocked over to me and I froze, but something told me that I’d be fine, I didn’t know what it was about this wolf that made me feel safe. 

The wolf (I haven’t decided what to call him) reached me, he looked at me in wonder. I didn’t get it though, why was this wolf protecting me? The wolf got even closer… Then he licked my face? I definitely don’t get it. I started giggling, which I don’t do that often, if I’m being honest with you. 

Wolfy stopped and looked at me again and this time for longer, it’s like he meant to make me laugh in a weird way. I’ve never met an animal so intelligent before, so I started talking to him.

“Thank you, Wolfy.” I said with a grin on my face, Wolfy (and yes I’m calling him Wolfy) looked like he was grinning back at me, then he licked my face again and layed down. It was weird, I wasn’t scared of him anymore. It felt as though we had a connection to each other. I wanted to keep him, but I know I couldn’t. 

“It looks like I have to go now.” I pet the wolf with a tender hand, like if I didn’t he’d break, even though I knew that he wouldn’t. Wolfy whined in retaliation and looked at me. “Well I’m sorry, but I’ll worry some people if I don’t.” I said, as the wolf got up. He walked over to the entrance to the cave and waited for me.

I got up and put everything away, then walked to the opening. “Bye bye now.” I walked out into the forest to see the sun shining in the sky, the trees glowed green in the sun. It was beautiful. I started walking the way I came, I came to a stop and looked behind me to see the wolf following me. I smiled and continued till I got to my car. I searched for the wolf, but he was gone. Feeling disappointed, I drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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