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N's pov


The stranger keeps running as I chase him

HEL ME !!!!..... he screams

I keep chasing him knowing very well that he must be punished for his sins...

Because of men like him women are insecure and are always mocked and looked down on wherever they go

The more he ran the more irritated I became..... He wasn't running when he raped her

The images flashed at the back of my head and I immediately caught up to him and pushed him on the ground

NOO... PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE...PLEASE!!!!!!!.......he wailed pathetically

I stared at him in disgust and hatred as he cried on the raw surface of the forest grounds

U shouldn't have done what you did,now should you.......... I say with a smirk

NO PLEASE AM SORRY!!.......he cries out

Well am sorry you don't deserve to live..... I say before snapping his neck and his body goes limp

I stared at the body without any emotion...its one thing about me no matter how I kill I don't feel it

Because I know it's for good.... I don't kill the innocent, I kill the guilty cause the make the innocent scarred for life

Images of that day entered my head and just like that I went back to 10yrs ago

The day everything changed..


Hey mum...... I say as I walk in to see my mum making breakfast

Good morning Davi.....mum said as soon as she turned around, hope u slept well this time

It was just like every other night....I said sighing

She gave me a sad knowing look......

I know it's hard for me too...mum said..after all he was her son

Tears clouded my vision as I swallowed hard

It still hurts knowing he will never come back, I kept staring at my joint hands remembering my brother

It happened a yr and half ago but still very fresh in my mind 

My brother was said to have died due to an accident...but I know very well it wasn't


They told my mother lies while she cried for the loss of her only son..and I stared praying it was all a dream that he will walk through the door and scream surprise but he never did

And till this day I still hear him in my dreams screaming for help......

I shook of the thoughts once I noticed I had started crying...

Mum I have to go to school now..I will see u later .... She just waved he hand at me

I knew she was crying silently but I didn't say it cause I knew he was always a sore topic for her and she needed her space

I left the house with my emotions in check

Skip to school..

I was in last period of the school before the bell rang but I still couldn't shake of the feeling that something bad will happen today

It started in the morning but I thought maybe it's because of the talk this morning

But my subconscious mind wasnt agreeing with me....she also felt something was wrong

 NOBODY( Still Editing ✔️)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon