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N's pov


I opened my eyes still remembering that very day

It still hurts everyday knowing I couldn't protect them

After that day I never heard from my step father again....... And I was glad

But I met someone who took me in as a daughter

"Aristocrat cades"

He was the perfect mentor,father and friend....he helped me through tough times

Taught me how to fight and defend myself

But I knew that wasn't were my journey ended not when my father was still out there alive

I knew that I had to leave.....and Aristocrat accepted my decision and let me leave to fufil my destiny

But before I left I had changed my name so that no one will know me

I gave myself a name that kept ringing in my head and that was


it was a constant reminder of that day but I didn't let it hold me back

Instead I became a saviour in the eyes of people and women....young and old

I protected the innocent and punished the guilty.....I was no God but they saw me as one

Everyone knew me as the one who moved in the shadows

The one who knows everything and everyone.....a saviour to countless and an enemy to evil

In summary they knew me as NOBODY......

and I was suddenly becoming used to the name as it wasn't offensive

It was honourable to be a nobody and still have an impact on the generations to come

When I pass some villages....I see children wearing a black cloak like mine

It makes me proud of where I have reached despite everything

The reason why I move with a black cloak is because it gives that mysterious aura as aristocrat once said..... I smiled remembering those moments

Speaking of that it's been a while I saw him or a while since i went back to the village

5 years to be exact....... I need to see him ..

I quickly got up for the tree branch I was on it was one of the tallest trees around here

So I could see everywhere

I looked down knowing it's time for me to start going

Without wasting anytime I jumped down.

I know I shouldn't have done that.....I will get hurt

But the higher the tree the more the adrenaline.......

I got down with ease as I stood on my two legs

I started walking to the destination of the village

Since it was taking to long I decided to start running and climbing trees


I kept running back to the village but all of a sudden I sensed a presence

It made me know I was not alone I immediately stopped....

And stood then I started laughing...then kept quiet immediately a twig snapped..and i knew where it came from

Still standing where I was..... 

I know you're there...... I said calmly

I expected a criminal or someone trying to kill me but I didn't see a little boy coming

He stared at me with big doe eyes....I stared back with a neutral face which eventually softened when he looked away from my eyes

Who are you.... I asked in a confused state name is Ezekiel..

Why are you following me...where are your parents.... I asked knowing he was harmless and scared for his life

Immediately his eyes got teary as he looked at me


I felt so sad for him...he didn't look older than eight and he already had to suffer the loss of his parents..

I walked towards him and crouched down so I can be on eye level with him

I am sorry for your you have any family members or siblings... I asked gently

No, everyone is Dead......he said softly

How dear tell me..... I asked him

Th...h..ey attacked our village while we slept at night......and the killed everyone my parents said I should run and never look back.....I wanted to stay I knew i couldn't protect them but I wanted to stay...... He said folding his tiny fists

I looked at him..... he's so young yet he wanted to stay in the face of danger..... I was shocked and moved by his bravery

So then what happened........

My mum promised me that if I run and not look back that she will make me my favorite porridge.....I knew she was just saying it to make me feel better

But I still wanted to hold unto that strand of hope that they will be back

But.......they never came...he sobbed loudly

Without thinking I took him into my arms and held him tight

He's just like me....I thought

We both have no one....well I had no one till pa(aristocrat) came......

He kept sobbing on my shoulder till his cries turned to hiccups.....

I still held him knowing full well that's how i felt 10yrs ago

It was the most painful part of my entire life unforgettable moment

And just like me he has lost the two most important things in his life......

When i noticed he had calmed down....I slowly removed him from my arms and looked into his eyes while he stared at mine with a tired look

You don't have no one have me now.......and I promise you I would take care of you till my last breathe...

I don't know why I just did this.....but I had the feeling to do it....I felt really connected to I knew him from somewhere

He kept looking at me....then all of a sudden smiled

I also smiled but I noticed his eyes were about to close...... I immediately caught him before he fell


that was close.....

I looked at his unconscious face....he looked so exhausted and he hasn't slept in days

I removed my cloak and covered him with it....... No one can ever tell who I am even without the cloak

Cause I always wear a hide my identity....and I have never taking off my coat before....

But here i am using it to wrap a child i just met....and simply fell for



 NOBODY( Still Editing ✔️)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora