Chapter 2

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I just looked and looked from time I was in the car to getting out the car, walking into my house till I was laying in my bed screaming into my pillow.


Why me, why me? I always lurked on his page and never once did a like a pic and today of all days it happens. I don't know whether throw my phone away and become a recluse which I can't because I already am or face the problem head on.


I'm good I'll just... just umm... I have no idea. What do you do when your crush since before you I learned how to ride a bike sees that you liked his old instagram pic.

I was a slow learner don't shame.

I can't go unlike it because it wouldn't matter and I can't respond to the text--. Wait, he texted me. Why am now realizing that Eliot Sommer just text me on Instagram! Yo this is probably the best thing to ever happen to me actually. He took notice in me which means that he cared enough to react and respond to me being stupid but now amazingly accidentally liking of one of his pics from 2 years ago.

He finally sees me at his soulmate. Maybe I should respond. No, wait maybe I should play it cool, you know create this like unknown suspense. Okay that's what I'm going to do. Yep, just sit and wait. What the fuck is wrong with me. I am absolutely NOT doing that. I have been in love with him my entire life. He is like the sun and I'm the moon. We go together when we couldn't be more different but yet the same. He's like what Andrew Garfield said "A shot of espresso." He's the crack to my addict. I don't want to wait because I don't know if I'll get another chance to make him see me and him are end game.

Okay, I just have to figure what I'm going to write. Maybe, "Yeah I just was scrolling and that pic was really hot to not like." No, that sounds kinda stupid. Am I saying you look better 2 years ago than now. What about, "Yeah your really hot and I just keep scrolling. Maybe it wasn't accident." No, I sound desperate and it sounds like a cheesy pick up line. Okay maybe," Yeah my bad, I was just scrolling , my hand happen to like that pic to where it double tapped lmao." That one, it isn't bad. It doesn't sound like I'm trying to hard but also give me a way into talking. Now, I just have to press send, right? Right, there's no need to be scared because he could reject me and crush the whole idea of us living New York in a penthouse with our 2 or 3 kids with a cat named Mitten and me being a world renowned general surgeon and him being... I don't know but it could blow up this entire plan I had and... really hurt me.

Do I just push send or ignore the message of a lifetime?

Send, I'm going to send it.

Me - yeah my bad, I was just scrolling , my hand happen to like that pic to where it double tapped lmao 😅

Twoosh. I sent it okay, it's okay just now to cry into my pillow.


Ah, he texted. OH my- No, I knew he would text because why wouldn't he. I'm basically his soulmate and it would be stupid of him to not text. I picked up my phone and almost cried at what he dm'ed me back with.

Eliot - oh okay so you were being a stalker??

And this is where Taylor Patel was brutally murdered mentally by a text she received by a boy whom she was in love with. How I thought I went through all the best options to respond with? Ugh, how do fix this because now he thinks I'm a stalker which I am, it would be delusional not think that. But, he can't know that because THE PLAN JUST WOULDN'T WORK OUT. I need to calm down and just play it cool because that's the only way I can probably get this going my way.

Me- thats funny. but you don't give off stalkee material

Ding. Okay he texted back fast that means he was interested enough in the conversation to stay in the chat and what for my response. Score 1 me and 0 to... I don't know that just sounded cool.

Eliot- so she's got jokes

Okay so how the fuck do I respond to this. I don't text enough to know texting etiquette. Peyton and me only send stupid TikTok's and facetime. Umm, what about...

Me- if you only knew 😂

Yeah, I can get away with that.

Eliot- hmm

Okay. Hmm? What the fuck do I do with an "hmm"?


I sat in my bed for an hour just looking at my phone hoping that he sends another text. But, he didn't. And I wasn't going to send a text because Peyton said it would be risky and lame of me to send a text because the infamous "hmm" probably means he isn't really into the conversation.

I want him to notice me so bad.

But is been years and if it took one text for him to notice me, I wonder what else it would take for him to be with me.

Oh my god, stop your being delusional and we said this year that's going to stop.

Yeah, but what if...?

My brain went wild with possibilities.

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