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Stu grinned to himself when he saw randy heading over to an aisle with a cart full of movies

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Stu grinned to himself when he saw randy heading over to an aisle with a cart full of movies. He nudged billy before he made his way over as randy was about to put a handful of movies back on the shelf. "OHHHH!" he swung out his arms, knocking all the movies out of randy's hands. He stuck out his tongue, laughing as they fell to the floor.

"Dork." Randy hissed as he bent down to pick up the movies, Stu moving to the opposite side of the aisle, looking around.

"Jesus, this place is packed tonight, man."

"We had a run in the mass murder section." randy replied 

"comin to my fiesta?" Stu asked lazily, leaning on the shelf, his hand supporting his head.

"Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know," he said, putting more movies on the shelf.

"What's that werewolf movie with E.T's mom in it?" A blonde girl with a bright blue shirt cut in asking randy.

"The howling. Horror, Straight ahead." He said, nodding in the direction.

"Okay, thanks," she said, but he was too busy scowling at who else was in the horror aisle.

"Oh, now that's in poor taste," he said, not taking his eyes off them.

"What?" stu asked, following his eye line right to Eve and Billy, the latters arm around her shoulders as he listened to her talk, adamantly waving two movies around.

"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section with victim number one?" he leaned forward, whispering to Stu.

"What? it was just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything. Eve knows he didn't do anything." Stu dismissed shrugging

"You're such a little lap dog. He's got 'killer' printed all over his forehead." Randy hissed

"OHHH-KAY! really? well, why'd the cops let him go, smart guy?" Stu sassed 

"Because obviously, they don't watch enough horror movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Eve knows it, too, but she's too distracted. I'm telling you prom night-revisited man."

"Yeah? Why would he wanna kill his own girlfriend but leave the sister alive?" stu asked. 

"killers got a soft spot for the sister. All killers have one; Michael had Laurie, and Jason had his mom etc.. Besides, there's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend."

"Oh?" Stu nodded, pretending to be interested

"that's the beauty of it all, simplicity. Besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience." randy said in a diplomatic tone.

"Well, what's his reason?" Stu asked, nodding to them egging randy on.

"It's the first time Eve's been single in years. Maybe he wants to give it a shot, but eve won't because of Sidney, so he's mad he might lose his chance again." Randy whispered, avoiding eye contact.

Stu lets out an annoyed laugh. "What you think she's going to go for you next?"

"Maybe. With her boyfriend dead and Billy trying to mutilate her sister, do you think she'll go out with me?" he leaned forward, whispering.

Stu bitterly laughed in randy's face, pointing a finger at him before his face became serious just as quick. "No, I don't at all. No." he shook his head "you know who I think it is? I think it's their father. Why can't they find their pops, man?"

"Because he's probably dead." he spits, Stu's head reeled back. "His body will come poppin up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!" his voice getting increasingly louder. 

Stu could see billy giving him a look out of the corner of his eye as he tried to distract eve from paying attention. "Man!" stu hissed at randy with a look to shut up.

"The police are always off track with this shit. If they'd watch prom night, they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!" randy yelled, making every head in the whole store stop what they were doing to look at him. When randy looked down to hide his embarrassment, Stu gave Eve a grimacing yikes face as she giggled while Billy quickly whispered in her ear before walking over to them without randys knowledge. "I'm telling you; the dad's a red herring. It's billy," he finished before turning to leave, only to be grabbed by billy.

"How do we know you're not the killer? huh?" Billy asked, pulling randy intimidatingly close with a handful of randy's shirt balled in his fist. Stu grinned, and he moved to stand behind randy, his arms resting on both of randys shoulders.

"Hi, billy." randy anxiously smiled with a nervous chuckle

"maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button. you ever think of that?" Billy asked

"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect. that's right." randy agreed

"And what would be your motive?" stu whispered, flicking randy's earlobe

Randy shrugged Stu's arms off to look at him. "It's the millennium. Motives are incidental."

"Millennium, hmm. Millennium, I like that. That's good. It's the millennium." billy mockingly cooed, pinching randy's nose.

"As interesting as a beginning to an erotic film as this may be, I'm done," Eve said, holding a stack of movies, eyeing the three males standing very close to one another.

"Oh I only have eyes for you angel." Stu winked taking the movies from her as he gave her a very loud kiss on the cheek.

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