Chapter 1

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I just stepped out of the shower with a pink soft towel around my body and pink fluffy bunny slippers on my feet.
I made my way across the spacious room to the walk in closet at the other side  my slippers and pulled it open revealing expensive outfits of different colours my mom has stuffed into my closet.
I browse through it and didn't see any one I liked so I turned around and made my way to the other walk in closet at the other end of the room.
There, I pick out a white off shouldered Gucci gown with a golden belt and lay it on the bed.
Few minutes later I'm all dressed up with brand new white wedges on my feet, my hair combed and parked neatly into a ponytail and a golden Dior handbag hanging from my shoulders.
I make my way downstairs with classical music playing in the background to see my parents happily seated at the long marble dining table.
My dad dressed in an expensive three piece suit and my mum in a long black velvet gown,red stilettoes and dangling diamond earrings.
I greet them and they return it with a smile then sit down to the all-you-can eat-buffet spread out on the table.
After that we make our way outside where a black limousine parked on the curb waited for us.
We got in and the driver drives us to church because it's a Sunday.
This is the life I've always wanted. A mother, a father and everyday full of smiles.
Sadly that's not what I get. I have a life where there are no friends, no brothers or sisters, no one to have my back.
If only my parents didn't die when I was younger and my family members didn't give me up to the orphanage.
Even this life would've been better if I didn't get bullied everyday and starved.
If only I had best friends and went to a better school I would've been happy.
Sadly, that's not the case.

I wake up suddenly my body wet and my sheets drenched in sweat.
The dream. It's always the dream.
Everyday I have the same dream where I have the perfect life and everything is so f*cking awesome and I'm freaking rich and I don't have to lift a f*cking finger because we live in the biggest house on the street and we've got maids to do the chores.
And every morning, I wake up and it's all a dream and I'm so used to it that I don't freak out all the time.
I don't understand why I dream of a life I never had.
I mean living in luxury is every girl's dream but that dream would never be mine.
I keep on asking God or any other supernatural being up there responsible for dreams why I'm always being teased with something far out of my reach.
The girl I always dream of looks like me but doesn't feel like me. I also don't feel a connection with the people that are supposed to be my parents so who are they?.
More importantly, who is she?

I get out of bed and go through the ritual of getting ready for the shity school I'm forced to attend. As always, the bathroom is fully booked with naked girls and I have to fight for the sink to brush my teeth.
I grew up in an orphanage where we had to fight for things including food.
If you don't get to the dinning table on time, all the food's gone.
After a century of waiting, i finally get to have the long awaited five minute bath before making my way back to the room I share with 20 other girls most of them still lying in bunks.
I walk over to my corner and scan through my few belongings and come up with a faded plain black tee shirt and black ripped jeans with dirty white sneakers.
My name is Jordan or that's what my parents called me before they dumped me. I'm black, American by nationality and I literally don't know anything about myself. I'm 17 turning 18 in a few weeks and I still don't know anything about me except my name and my date of birth.
I'm sure my parents left me a little more info which the orphanage staff aren't willing to give me.
I run my fingers through my hair before grabbing my bag pack and making my way out of the building to wait for the school bus.
Outside I walk a few feet to the bench in the park going past to-be parents getting to know their would-be future kids.
Few years ago, I still had hopes that I would get adopted and live with parents like a normal kid would but after a while I gave up.
They weren't coming and I got older.
I didn't bother going for breakfast because I never eat breakfast in the mornings.
The kitchen staff always prepare so little food for close to 500 kids in the building but I never get to eat because I always spend a lot of time waiting for my turn to shower and before I'm out there's nothing left.
I sit on the beach outside, get out my phone and then plug my ears with music. I watch a young, gorgeous couple smile at one of the little kids while I listened to Doja cat's 'Vegas'.
The woman, a beautiful brunette strokes the child's hair and the girl giggles.
I recognized her as Emily.
Emily was five when she came here,
A victim of reckless driving that claimed the life of her parents. She turned six this year and would soon be adopted, all her pains and previous life forgotten.
Lucky for her.
The school bus pull over and I climbed in making my way to the back where I sat alone listening to music for half the entire school year.
I ignored the other kids looking out of the window while I waited to get to school.
"Hey JoJo" Someone said and I looked ahead.
In front of me stood blonde haired Kathryn Kode that everyone called KK because she was the most prettiest girl in our class.
Ever since I started kindergarten and began going to Safron Falls high school, she wouldn't let me breathe in peace.
"Hey Kodey" I said using my silly nickname for her.
"Ugh!!! You know how I hate that name" she rolled her eyes.
"Lucky for you, you're stuck with it" I replied with sarcasm.
She frowned, her friends behind her making snide remarks.
"You think because you go to the same school as me, you're like us huh?"
" It's not gonna work this time Kodey" I was used to her comparing poor old me with her rich friends.
Kathryn's dad was a Bank manager while her mum was an actress and model.
Where else did get her luscious blonde locks, blue eyes and pink lips from?
"Where did you get those unfortunate clothes from?" She asked.
I sat there not yielding to her insults "not working".
"All I wanted to say is that I got a better way to style you up" she produced a scissors.
My eyes widened.
"What is that?" I asked nervously.
She smiled "hold her girls".
All her friends rushed to hold me.
"Stop this Kathryn, this isn't funny!!"
"I just wanted to give you a little touch up. No biggie" she said in her cutest voice and descended on me.
I struggled to free myself but their hold was too strong.
I couldn't scream because the boys were yelling 'wild cats' because they just won a football game and the driver couldn't hear me.
As she snipped my shirt into shreds, I screamed and struggled begging her to stop until I happen to look out the window.
In a bright blue convertible, seated in the driver's seat and trying to stir the vehicle was me.
She had make up on her face and was dressed smartly in a black and white uniform, she was adjusting the rearview mirror when our bus flew past and our eyes met.
Suddenly, Kathryn Kode and her bunch of hyenas were forgotten as I stared at another me, someone I didn't know existed.
She stared at me till our bus went the opposite way and I didn't see her again.
'who is she?'

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