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Dear Max,

So, I guess this is day two of writing these silly letters to you. I'm gonna try to lighten the mood a bit. Especially since my last letter was just me being upset about you not being here. I mean, well, you're still here, but it's not the same. I'm glad you're still alive. I love you so much.

I fell asleep in the hospital last night. Took me a while to gather the courage to get out and get ready for school, but I did it. It honestly felt like Erica was the one dropping me off to school. It's around 8 PM now, and El is with me. She says hi. She misses you too. Sometimes she comes by, when I'm reading comics to you, and if Erica isn't there then she'll do the sound effects. It's really fun. I wish you could see us.

El has been doodling on your casts. Her latest one is.. bottles of ketchup and mustard? On your right arm. I'm not too sure why she drew that, but yeah. Maybe there's a reason, maybe there isn't. Oh, and she drew a glass coke bottle too. I don't know why she drew that either. Is it some sort of inside joke between you two? She won't tell me, and just laughs whenever I ask about it.

Well, I think that's all I wanted to say today.

See you tomorrow.


Love, Lucas.

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