Chapter 10

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Hiiii everyone ok so Ik I have not posted much for this story and I'm sorry but it's because I have school so I can't post much with all my homework and chores that I have to do. So it's a lot of things that drain me and keep me occupied most of the time but anyway I wanted to thank anyone who is giving my story a chance and for sticking around I'm soooooo great ful for all of you if you have stuck around and like my story.❤️❤️❤️❤️😎😎🫶🫶🫶🔥🔥🔥🔥 but anyway ON WORD WITH THE STORY ✨✨✨✨✨


tears welled out my eyes and my heart broken into two. I didn't understand why my family didn't wanna be happy for me. I mean my other siblings had their mates. Why couldn't I have mine? Why couldn't I be happy just like them? did I do something that made the moon goddess hate me? Why why why I said to myself as I sobbed on my knees. I didn't care if they were watching. I didn't care what they thought of me at this very vulnerable moment it wasn't fair but I couldn't have my happiness but they were.

I ran out of the house running past everyone and everything I just kept going, as I couldn't stand to be anywhere near the house and our packs I ran all the way till I got to the forest in into my favorite spot. Once I climbed up the hill, I took a couple of breaths as I was out of breath I then looked around for Zack. Zach Zach are you here? If you're here, don't play with me. I don't see him out of nowhere, I look at him for a couple of seconds until I just decided to hug him.

Zacks POV

Woah Woah girl you're gonna knock me over and calm down it's ok I'm sure whatever happened will be resolved eventually. She then just looks at me as if I'm crazy. hey are you OK what happened? What happened was there a fight within your siblings and family. Or what cause I'ma need a lot of info because I don't know what going on with you  nowadays. We stayed like that for a while with my arms around her and her just crying and stressed but she then tells me about this guy named blade which I'm guessing is her mate that she can't be with. I don't fat that part because aren't mates supposed to last forever not be taken away I mean it can hurt them both they can't do that to both of them it's not fair. I wish I could help them but I know her parents won't listen to me if I try to talk to them I mean it's Blake and Luna there stubborn as hell so it won't be easy if I try to convince them to let them be together.

Words: 493

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