○Part One○

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Last day of summer 2022.

Bruce is riding his bike through town, waving at almost everyone he sees because he knows all of them because of his popularity.

Vance hopper however is at a small corner store at an old pinball machine that's been there since the about the 80's.

While Bruce plays baseball and soccer and goes to parties..Vance plays pinball and video games and spends time alone.

Two boys at very opposite sides of the spectrum..

September 5th 2022

Vance is at the grab n' go like usual, trying to beat his high score minding his own business.
Time passes as Vance plays and he stops as he notices a particularly familiar boy walk into the store.

Bruce Yamada

Vance new Bruce, well everyone new Bruce but Bruce did really know Vance.

Bruce walks in with his group of friends from baseball.

They all head to the snack aisle and then to grab drinks.

Vance ignores all the boys until he I'd spoken to.

"Excuse me?"


"Oh I was just wondering if you could pass me the bag right there" Bruce says politely smiling

"Oh yeah sorry" Vance says stopping his game and grabbing Bruce the bag from beside him.

"Thanks" Bruce says with a smile and walks back to the other boys.

Vance felt the heat in his face.

"Huh..." he says putting the tips of his fingers to his hair cheeks.


Bruce and his friends are exiting the store and Bruce drops a quarter without noticing while putting his wallet away.
Vance quickly picks it up and goes to him

"You uh dropped this" he says not making eye contact with the dark haired boy.
"Oh thanks...you know what keep it for your game" Bruce says to him as his friends are already walking away.

"Really? Oh thanks" Vance says now looking at the boy. He feels his cheeks go slightly more red again.

"Well I have to go, see you around?"

"Yeah totally" Vance says turning around still very red from the encounter with the kind baseball player.

He puts the quarter from Bruce into his jacket pocket and snaps it shut. Playing another game with the other quarters in his hands.

Later in the day Vance walks home and walks into the kitchen to see his mom cooking.

"What are you making..?" He says calmly to the concentrated woman st the stove.

"Just some pasta" she says giving a small smile and look over to her son.


Vance was very close to his mom but not so much his dad.

Later in the day Mr, Hopper got home and immediate changed his work clothes and sat on the couch with a smoke.

Vance leaves the room as goes to his bedroom.

He opens his phone and starts doing stupid stuff to pass time until dinner .

About an hour later Vances mother call down from the kitchen that dinner is ready.

Vance goes down to the dining room and eats with his mother at the table as his father eats and watches TV from the livingroom.

After finishing his food he puts his dishes away and goes back to his room and listen to some music.
Eventually falling asleep to it.

Short chapter,I had lots of work but trust it'll get good as we go. Also drop ideas in the comments under this I need inspiration ♡

 Also drop ideas in the comments under this I need inspiration ♡

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