Part Two♡

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The next morning Vance wakes up and realizes he fell asleep in his clothes from the day before.

He sighs and gets out of bed and head to the bathroom for a shower.

After showing and getting dressed he starts his walk to school.

Bruce's Pov:

"Bye mom, bye dad" he says as he leaves for school.

After arriving at school, Bruce walks the halls waiting for his for first period.

The bell rings a few minutes later and he walks to his science class.

As he enters his class he sees the blonde curly haired bot sitting at the back of of room alone.

Bruce walks to the back of the class and sits down next to the boy he had given a quarter to the day before and smiles.

"Hi" Bruce says turning towards the boy.


"I said hi..?"

"Oh uh..hi" Vance says back keeping his face towards the table.

Bruce turns to face the front of the class as the teacher walks in.

"Ok class, welcome back. today you are going to start a project, you and your group are going to build a solar system. Blah blah blah will work with your table group of three no questions asked."

"Looks like we'll have one group of two." He says as he looks around the room.

"Take one pass it down please then start brainstorming." The teacher says as he sits back at his desk.

The booklet gets passed down to Bruce and he starts reading.

"Ok, so we have to make a solar system that spins?!?"

"How the heck are we supposed to make it spin?!?"

Bruce babbles on about making shit spin and how confused he is.

Vance slightly laughs at the boys ranting.

"Do you know anything about planets?" Bruce asks scooting his chair closer to Vance still looking intently at his paper.

"Uhh kinda..?" Vance says putting one hand on the paper the other boy is holding.

"Ok, uhm. We could make it out of clay and a fan?" Bruce says still very confused.


"A fan y'know. So we can make it spin." Bruce says proudly.

"That would spin to fast" Vance says looking to the other boy.

"Oh, yeah" " I don't know what to do then"
Bruce says slouching back down in his seat.

Some time passes with silence until Bruce comes up with another idea.

"Wait, how about we use Styrofoam balls!"
He announces.

Vance silently laughs to himself like the child he is.

"Yessss. I don't know how we'll make it spin but we'll figure that our later". He says writing down his ideas in a notebook.

"Cool" Vance says as he doodles on the corner of his page.

After some more silence Bruce speaks up again. "Hey, can you draw?" "We need to draw out our idea, so we don't forget once we start building." he says looking at the little drawings on Vance's paper.

"I don't really draw" Vance says back not taking his eyes off his booklet.

"Well, you're drawing right now, so you obviously can  draw ." Bruce remarks

" I guess, but not well." he says back.

another moment of silence goes by.

"I've seen you with a sketch book on multiple occasions last year and throughout the summer Vance, I know you can draw I've seen what was on those pages. you're good at drawing." Bruce states after a small sigh.

Vance doesn't reply but turns slightly pink in the face.

"O-ok, I guess I'll do it. But if it's bad it's not my fault"

Bruce smiles. Vance smiles back.

"let's get started shall we" Bruce says turning back to his paper and grabbing his pen to start writing down some notes.

Sooo, how we  feeling about little artist Vance. Also I did this for a very specific reason for later in the story so don't come at me if you don't agree please.  :')

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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