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I was once at Jack's right hand. Life was indeed comfortable there, but it once lost its luster. I thought that it just meant I could go outside, but eventuality caused me to perform many terrible acts. Murder and thievery. He depended on me to perform such atrocities and return to the facility. The worst was that I believed I was doing something for the betterment of the human race.

I am not saying that Jack happens to be "bad," since good and evil are only subjective terms people tend to use, but he has done regrettable things. Not everything was as awful, though. His scientists have made many advancements in the genetical sciences. Many people outside have called him a "hero of humanity," but many criminals have called him a "protector from imprisonment."

I have spent many years in that facility, and if there is anything I learned within my lifetime, it's that there is no escaping Jack.

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