Lets talk

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I wanna talk about life

About this terrible world riddled in strife

Let's talk about life

The little up's and downs
The twists the turns

Those people who believe they wear crowns

Can we spend a little time
To talk about the pain

To let each other know we aren't alone in this game

That yes you have those thoughts
But guess what
I do too

That yes that day was scary
But you know I'm here for you

Can we just talk about life

About all those horrible times

Because they're so overlooked
They get shoved in the dark
Acting like they didn't just break your whole heart

Let spend a little time and confront one another

Be honest with the lies we are telling each other

The webs that you've spun are coming apart
And I'm not even done

Let's talk about life
About the rain sun and kites

There's good things too I'm sure

Let's talk about them all

Your birthday was here was it fun?
You rode your horse all day long
You danced and played with others
And you were all good to each other

You partied till the sun came up
And you vowed you and your partner would never part

Let talk about that too

The flowers that are in full bloom
The animals that will wake soon
The world that is beautiful and here

The one that's not full of pure fear

We are here for each other and we say that there's love

So let's talk about life
About flowers
And doves

And the guy that stole your car
Or the girl that killed your heart

You know the one that darkened the stars
The one made caring seem hard
That made life not worth living
That you hid in the dark

The one you said would never part

Let's talk about the start

Of the world we wanna build
The place we can go
The land we used to till

Let's talk about it all
And let's keep on talking

Because this crazy scary beautiful world is ours

And if we can't talk about it
Then the stars will never brighten
Our hearts will never lighten
And the burdens will kill us inside

So just stand by my side
Hold my hand
And we can talk about life

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