chapter 1 - brookie in london

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POV: Brooklyn

I reach for my passport out of my bag while handling my luggage.

All the remaining fast organisms are meeting up this weekend in England.

I walk through the busy airport but I can't stop thinking about how nervous I am.

I go through security and everything and then sit in a very uncomfortable chair waiting to board the plane.

To pass the time I scroll through my phone for a bit.

"Attention please, Plane 193 to London, your plane is ready to be boarded,"

I drop my phone back in my bag and walk to get on the plane.


My eyes flutter open and I glance out the window to see nothing but darkness. (i'm so poetic)

I check my phone to see the time.

10:23 PM

We should be landing soon.

A worker walks by with trays of food, he stops and I grab a plate of fries and chicken nuggets.

I reach for my secret bag of kranch and put some on the plate.

30 Minutes Later

Someone on the intercom starts speaking and I look up.

"We have landed in London, everyone please enjoy your stay!"

Excitement flows through my body and I grab my carry on and slip my phone into my pocket.

Walking out of the plane I am greeted with the crisp british air.

I breathe it in and go to get my suitcase.

Walking outside I see the car I ordered and got in.

Once we arrive to the hotel I step out the car.

"Would you like me to carry that for you Ma'am?" a man with a thick british accent asks.

"No thanks," I speak with a british accent back to fit in.

"Alright, enjoy your stay here," he waves and backs up.

I walk in the front door and to the reception desk.

The line moves and I see a familiar face.

It's Ame, without the filter.

I stare at each them for a second.

"Hello, did you make a reservation online?"

"Yes I did, the name is Brooklyn Lambert," I say with a stern face.

Oh hell no.

"Alright here's your key, you will be staying in Room 119. Your all set!"

I grab the keys out her hand with a strong grip and walk to find my room.

The Next Morning

My eyes slowly open to the sound of someone knocking on the door and my alarm going off.

I quickly turn it off and get up to open the door.

"Hello, i'm sorry to bother you, there was a noise complaint from your alarm or whatever that sound was but I see you stopped it. I'll be on my way," a short ederly woman says.

"Sorry about that," I say and shut the door.


I check the time to see it's 10:42 AM, in America it would be 5AM but i'm not tired since I slept on the plane.

We are supposed to meet up at 11:30, so I need to quickly get ready. I take a shower in the fancy british bathroom.

I get dressed in a simple outfit.

Grabbing my phone and bags I go downstairs to check out and get a taxi.

Sky decided we should meet up at a restaurant. I can't wait to see her. I arrive at the place and pay the driver.

I don't know how this is going to go.

the american falls first but the brit falls harder 😈🇬🇧🥵Where stories live. Discover now