Chapter 5

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Two of my classes are ahead of the classes from my previous school. Unfortunately, the others are behind. It will take me at least two weeks to catch up, but I hope to cut that time in half. I tried to do my work on the bus, but my parents were in one of their lovey-dovey moods, which makes living in a small space awkward. Deciding to give them the privacy they needed, I slipped out and found myself walking the main street of Dewbridge, the only street of Dewbridge. Christmas lights and a giant Christmas tree light up the center of town even though Thanksgiving hasn't happened yet. A large neon sign indicating Frank's Tavern blinks at me, and I gravitate to it. Although the building obviously needs repair, it looks like an excellent place to hide and study. The other joint I'd passed, Noah's Diner, puked out students left and right. The noise of a jukebox erupted from the open doors. There was no way I'd get any work done there, and unfortunately, the library was closed. My curfew's eleven, even during a school week, so I'm determined to knock out as much as possible. Pushing the door open, I immediately notice how empty the space is. A few men sit huddled together nursing beers while talking about the upcoming hay season and the new equipment they purchased. In other words, farm talk. Slipping past them, I approach a quiet corner in the back. Perfect.

I'm an hour into my assignments when I hear the voice from this morning, which has stayed with me all day despite trying to rid it from my brain.

"You should go."

Pausing, I frown. Looking up, I glance around at the near-empty bar. It's filled up in the last hour, mainly with men coming in from a long day at work, but otherwise, it's still relatively quiet. When I meet Devin's gaze, he's not smiling.

"Give me a good reason."

He sighs. "Because you're not from here, and many of these guys will be drunk in their cups within the hour. It's not safe for a girl like you."

"I can take care of myself."

It infuriates me that he's ordering me around like I'm incapable. He seems to realize his mistake because his eyes soften.

"I'm not trying to be a jackass. I'm trying to do the right thing and get you out of here before any of these assholes decide to get handsy, if you catch my drift."

I frown. "Why are you here?"

"I'm the bartender."

Oh, still, I have too much work to do. Although I appreciate that my parents have a loving relationship, I don't want another lesson on the birds and bees. I've had enough of those over the years.

"I'll have to chance it. I have a lot of work to do, and home doesn't provide the right environment at the moment."

Why am I giving him an explanation? It's my life. His eyes narrow, but I stand my ground.

"I'm not your responsibility. You can go now."

"No can do. See those guys over there."

He points to a group of college-age guys with hunger in their eyes as they gaze at me.

"You're a new toy in town they want to try out."

Shuddering, I look away, but I remain seated. I'm tired of being the new girl, the 'toy,' as he points out that everyone wants to wear in. It's frustrating. Devin sighs.

"Fine. If you're determined to stay, at least come behind the bar and work. You'll be safe back there."

"Won't that get you in trouble?"

He shakes his head. "No, I'm too valuable to Frank. I'll let him know you're a friend. It won't be the first time I've had a friend keep me company during a shift."

I wonder how many female friends he's entertained before me, but I toss the thought aside. It's none of my business. Glancing over at the group of guys again, one of them winks at me, and my stomach twists. Usually, I'm the type that likes to be independent and not rely on someone else for protection, but I'm also not stupid. I'm outnumbered, and I need to get this work done. I'm determined to graduate with good enough grades for a scholarship.

Nodding, I grab my bag and books before standing.

"Lead the way, Prince Charming."

A smile edges along one cheek, causing his dimple to flair. My heart skips a beat. I bet he has the ladies eating out of his hands. He's too good-looking for his own good.

"Prince Charming?"

"Seemed fitting."

He reaches for my backpack, and I allow him to take it. I tell myself it's to let the guys in the corner know I'm with Devin, but my romantic side thinks it's sweet he's being a gentleman.

"Does that make you my Cinderella?"

I arch a brow at him as we walk side by side to the back. He opens the small hatch that leads into the bar area, and I follow him through.

"Depends on who you ask?"

"I'm asking you."

I smile. "I'd rather be the wicked queen that makes you eat out of my hand."

He chuckles. "There's more than your hand I can think to eat out of."

My cheeks flush at this. I hadn't expected that to come out of his mouth. I know my face has to be at least two shades of red. He points to a table in the corner out of the way of where he serves drinks before winking.

"Don't worry, princess. Your virtue is safe with me."

When I meet his gaze, I hold it. The blue of his eyes darkens, and I wonder how much of me he sees. If so, he'd realize my virtue may not be as safe as he says it is.

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