Chapter 28

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Christmas break and New Year's brought a lot of new perspectives into my life. Ed's family took me, Frank, and my co-worker Mia in for both holidays. They are the family that all three of us lack. In all honesty, they are my family even if we don't share a blood line. I had expected to get through most of the days by burying my head under the hood of a car, but Talia and Mia found me, nonetheless. Confronted me is more like it.

"You're letting your sister control your life again," Mia accused.

"I thought you were tougher than letting a bully scare you," Talia pointed out.

"She's worth fighting for, and I should know," Mia added.

"I'm pretty sure Dakota can handle a bully," Talia stressed.

I threw my hands up at their sudden barrage of accusations.

"I've lost too much. I don't want to lose her too."

Mia had looked down toward Talia before leaning down and whispering in her ear. Talia nodded and made her way outside.

"I understand loss. I also understand what it's like to make mistakes. I've made my bed and I'm lying in it. I have a beautiful son that I adore, and I'd do anything for. I wish his daddy understood what he's missing out on, but it's his loss and not mine. Don't lose what he lost. Hold on to what's beautiful and not the demons that lurk in the dark. Shelly's not worth your happiness and you know we would all keep Dakota safe."

Her words sat with me like a heavy stone throughout the following days until I couldn't even remember how to do a simple oil change. And I realized in that moment what at idiot I am. I made a mistake. I'll handle my sister if Dakota will take me back. We've never classified our relationship aside from the exclusivity of it, but I need her in my life. Shelly won't fuck that up for me.

Now sitting in class, I find myself pondering over how to get her back. A shadow looms over my desk. When I look up, Daffodil is studying me.

"Not now," I growl.

Our chemistry teacher is late which is fine by me. I'm no more in the mood for the periodic table than I am for whatever Ren Daffodil has in store for me. She makes it her business to be in everyone else's business, a trait that can be annoying or a blessing depending on the situation.

"At first I thought this thing with you and Dakota was," she pauses, "stupid."

"I'm not interested in anymore gossip," I mutter under my breath refusing to look up. Instead, I busy myself doodling a new idea for a restoration project I've been working on while working out my plan to get back Dakota.

She snorts. "Do you think it's possible for me to give up one second of good gossip whether you're interested or not? I make it my business to know everyone. You should know that by now."

She sighs. "I admit I was jealous of her to begin with. She took your eyes off of me."

"That was a one time thing, Daffodil, and I was drunk so don't flatter yourself."

She gets silent for a moment, and I think maybe she got the hint, but the moment is short lived when she suddenly plops her phone onto the paper I'm working on.

"I may seem like an awful person, Devin, but sometimes what you see on the outside isn't the truth of what's on the inside. I think Ladonna proved that last year or do you remember?"

There's an article staring at me I'm trying to understand but her words do filter in. I do remember. She's the girl that tried to make my best friend's girl's life a living hell and her actions almost hurt Mattie in a terrible way. Not many people have heard from her since she graduated but there's been a rumor she's not the same person anymore. Some rumors say she's even started a non-profit foundation for women and their children that have been abused or assaulted. I hope that rumor is true.

Popular Tiny House Couple Publicly Relates Story of Daughter's Fight with Cancer

The headline causes me to freeze.

"I've been watching you both and it's painfully obvious the two of you have fallen in love. She's miserable. You're miserable. And your sister is a whore."

I glare up at her then, but she only shrugs. "I say what I feel, and I feel like you deserve more than to walk away from something good."

Sitting back in my chair, I cross my arms. "Wow, Daffodil. You have a heart. Who knew?"

She takes a drink from a small yeti cup in her hands before rolling her eyes. "Whatever. Don't get used to it. All I'm saying is, from what I read she fought hard to get well. I'm pretty sure she deserves the same battle from you. She beat leukemia. And she's put up with me being an asshole to her from day one. That makes her one tough ass girl in my opinion and okay in my book."

I hate to admit it, but Daffodil's right. Never thought I'd see the day when she'd show any kind of compassion, but at this point nothing should surprise me. Dakota must think I'm a major douche bag. I may have lost my parents and the thought of her getting cancer again terrifies me, but I've never had to fight for my life before. It's the thoughts of her getting sick terrifying me that makes me realize the depth of my feelings for Dakota. I'm in love with her and no matter which direction our lives lead us, I want us to be together. I now understand why Rylan was the way he was with Mattie last year. It changed him, it's changed me.

A commotion in the hallway catches my attention. I hear Rick calling my name as he flies by my classroom. He's carrying an unconscious body in his arms. Damn. Not just any unconscious body but my girl. Knocking my books to the floor in my haste to get up, I kick them away and run out the door just as Tad starts to walk in.

"Looks like you guys are getting me for a sub today," he starts to say when I fly by.

I reach Rick in record time and he gladly hands Dakota over to my waiting arms. "What the hell man?"

"I don't know. She looked like she wasn't doing good in class and then the next thing I know she passes out in my arms."

Nurse Mindy is exiting her office when she spots us. She quickly signals us in when Dakota starts to come to.

"I'm fine," she grumbles in a groggy voice.

"You're not fine," I growl back. My voice comes out harsh but that's what happens when the love of your life scares you half to death. When she realizes it's me holding her, she tenses. I hate that I've made her that way because of my stupidity.

"Lay her here, Devin."

I don't want to let her go and by the way she's gripping my shirt, I don't think she wants me to. Fear flashes in her eyes, and I make the decision for both of us. I sit us on the exam table together refusing to be away from her.

"About fucking time you came to your senses," Rick grumbles and I give him the finger with the hand not supporting Dakota's back.

"I can take it from here boys. You may return to your classes."

Rick looks to me and I nod. He ducks out but not before telling Dakota he's close by if she needs him. She smiles weakly at him, and we both watch him leave.

"You too, Devin."

"No offense to you, Nurse Mindy, but I'm not going anywhere."

She studies us with a disapproving look on her face until Dakota speaks up weakly.

"I want him to stay."

"Okay, but I want you to rest. Absolutely no talking. Do you understand?"

She doesn't answer and when I look down, I realize she's already fallen asleep peacefully in my arms. "I'm pretty sure that's not going to be a problem."

"I'm going to call her parents and an ambulance. Don't go anywhere."

As if that would happen. There's nothing that can tear me away from her right now. Kissing the top of her head, I look up and for the first time since my parents passed away, I pray.

Football and Fairy TalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora