Black coffee

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      Sue's POV

  I wake up to loud buzzing of my alarm clock and I groan because am to lazy to wake up and go work "Ahhhhhhhhh its a Monday ", and that comes with a lot of customers at the coffee shop since they would like to start their week with a hot strong cup of coffee to guide them thought the week, as they say that the first day of the week has to be great and if its not the rest of the days are the worst.

Having shifted from Uganda to Italy has been one of my best decisions in life because I have always wanted to travel to Europe and the other sad reason is that I wanted to be independent with a good paying job because in my country, the pay is little and cant literally pay for your living expenses so I had to come to Italy . I don't know Italian till now though some words I can understand but my accent is so bad so I keep up with my English , And people here know English too , which hasn't made my stay so bad.

I move to the bathroom and freshen up and brush my teeth though I prefer brushing my teeth after eating not  to taste the cereals and milk as tooth paste . I have a small apartment but its enough for me because it fits properly with my salary. I dress up in my jeans and collared shirt that the café approves because I add an apron on it to keep café standards.  Am in a rush so I don't make myself cereals or any coffee, am worried that the metro  will depart before I reach the station. One of the things I like about a foreign country is travelling with  metros, they like help you to move within the city. Luckily, I find when it has not reached , I wait while listening to a song on my Airpods by am not shane ; May be my soulmate died, its actually a nice song and lets just hope our soulmates are still alive .

The metro arrives and its fast to where I have to get out, I find that the café is already opened, I panic because my Boss, Mr Tommaso is a very short tempered and tough man but deep down I know he has a good heart. His Wife Sofia is the sweetest old lady I have met ever since I arrived to Italy.

As I enter Mr. Tommaso is talking to a fellow employee, Mattia. I am silently praying to God that he doesn't look in my direction because my week will be the worst if he gets angry at me for late coming.

"Ms Sue, you are early" says Mr. Tommaso , and I feel like I should be swallowed by the floor but sadly I cant so I face him and greet him but he just tells me to go to start my work and am surprised why he is not so angry today, anyway am lucky I have survived his tantrums.

As the day goes by, its actually hectic because some customers can mix orders and then they tell you to take it back like you are the foolish one yet its their fault . Today I got a 50Euro tip from some customer that appreciated my service and fact is I  am that waitress that smiles to you and always makes sure you are satisfied so I deserve it .

Its remaining an hour before the café closes and a group of men in suits enter the café . Its not am to suspicious of people in general  but something screams dangerous but I wipe it from my thoughts . " Go attend to those men Sue" Mattia tells me so I get the menus and move to their table to do my job.

Ok , like these men really look handsome though one of them is looking down on his phone and texting .. I wipe that admiration off my thoughts and ask them what they would like to order, they order for croissant,  coffee  and one wants Italian pasta which I note down and I look over the one still typing on his phone and I ask him what he likes, he looks up from his phone and that's when I felt like I couldn't breathe or I had forgotten  how to breathe , this man has big blue eyes that when I kept starring into them , I felt like am at the  ocean enjoying the breeze. It was magical, I came back to my senses and I think he noticed which made him smirk and I looked down and asked him what he wanted.. He said Black Coffee without sugar and oh my, his voice screamed dominance and was so deep and I wanted to record how he ordered and listen to it as a short song . I quickly walked away from their table as they continued to discuss their business to the kitchen.

I came with their orders after some few mins  and later on I came to get them the bill which was paid by Ocean eyes , yes I call him that in my head because his eyes can make a woman fall in love within a second after him starring.. I take the bill and the money to bring the change back but I find them leaving the café ..

" Sir, you forgot your change " I tell Ocean eyes and he looks back and he says " keep it " , I insist to give it to him because its too much and that scares me " Sir, I cant accept this big amount of change as a tip, so please take it" I tell him, he keeps moving to a very nice car, which screams wealthy. I run and stand infront of him and i held his hand and i hand it to him and i tell him to have a good night, so i enter back to wrap up for the day but the  Ocean eyes are still in my head making me dream even before am in bed...

Hope you liked my book, this chapter and the flow of it. Please like and comment i will be waiting for those comments, Thank you my supporters....

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