Chatper 18

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Arizona: It's been a few weeks sense Amelia has been acting how she has and I'm very worried that she is going to hurt herself I seen marks on her arms last night in bed. I'm just so worried so I paged Meredith,Derek, Alex, April and link down and I want to talk to them and figure out what to do with her.
They all suggested that I put her in the mental hospital but I had to explain to them that I don't think it's cutting marks I think it's needle marks from drugs. I have seen my pills go missing and I'm so worried she is abusing substances. I know she has mental health issues so maybe she just thought of this as a better option Im not very sure she knows i know but I do not plan on telling her until we do the intervention because I truly do not want to make her upset but I am just not sure when I am going to tell her.

*3 weeks later*

hey Amelia, Arizona calls over to her. yes Amelia says, we should go on a date it has been a while and we should have some fun before we start trying for a baby. yes that is a wonderful idea Amelia says. Hey Arizona before we go out to eat we should go to Spenser's, isn't that a sex store Arizona says. Yes it is but we need more fun then me just eating your pussy out and you fingering me because i feel like we can have fun just like straight couples can.

Amelia and Arizona head to the sex store to see what sex toys they can find and they find rubber dicks and so much more, they spent a total of 90 dollars just on sex toys.

Hey Amelia we are gonna have some fun tonight as Arizona leans in for a kiss. As they cannot make it out of the store before making out because they are so horny from not having sex for a few weeks while Amelia was just not ok. Arizona is still concerned but she is not gonna pass this sex chance up, something she has been craving for weeks.

Amelia and Arizona decide to skip out on the dinner and they decide a better dinner would be eating out each other instead.

they get into the house and they start kissing and slowly Arizona pulls off Amelias shirt and takes her bra off and Amelia does the same to her. Amelia leans down to suck on Arizonas nipple and they slowly make their way to the bed naked and ready to fuck. Amelia is alway the top as Arizona puts on the dildo and Amelia goes in and starts humping Arizona. Arizona grabs Amelias breast and sucks her titties. they have sex for about an hour and a half and then get tired and fall asleep.

what a perfect way to end the night Amelia says.

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