Chrystal's POV

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"She is waking up. Wake up, my dear little Chrystal. The day I have been waiting for is finally here." I hear Shayla's soft and low voice. I choose to ignore her. "Wake up!" My cheek stings from where her hand connected with it and my head falls to the side.

My eyes jerk open and I see the chains holding me to the wall. I am in the royal throne room, my arms sore from being over my head, my legs twisted painfully underneath me. "You bitch. Be happy that I cannot hurt you," I say glaring at her. She scoffs then giggles.

"You could never hurt me-" she gets cut off when I swing my leg up and kick her in the knee. Her cheeks turn pink and she glares at me. "I can't wait until you are dead." She stands up and saunters over to the throne of the queen.

"Mother! Father! Please, don't do this," my heart lifts in my chest. Rin. I search the room with my vision until I find him. He is being held back by Rayne. They both looked extremely sad and stare at me with expressions that ask why this is happening. Looking back to the King and Queen I now understand that my worst fear is true. Death shall become me.

"No, my son. Others must understand what happens to those who defy the King," the King states as he stares down at me. He walks slowly towards me and pulls my chin up toward him. His fingers are icy and his hair seems to be made out of ice. Here in the Fire and Ice kingdoms the more you embrace your element, the more you become your element.

"Such a beautiful face to destroy," he turns my head from side to side. "Pity." He gets up and walks back to his throne. "Well, my young Rayne, you know what to do."

Rayne shoves Rin to another guard and walks over to me. He unsheathes his sword holding it high above his head. "My dear foolish Chrystal," he whispers through his stiff lips. I turn my head to the side and bury it in my shoulder. Tears sting the back of my eyes.

"Chrystal! Father please stop this insanity! CHRYSTAL! Chrys! Rayne, you son of a bitch, if you know what's good for you you will walk away," I listen to Rin's futile attempts to stop my death. I smile. At least he loved me until the end.

"You whore," I look up and watch as Rayne's face seems to be pure hatred. "I could've given you everything!"

"But who could give more than a soon-to-be-king?" I ask innocently back. His face contorts with rage. Congratulations Chrystal, I think. A smart ass until the end.

The end.

All hope is gone and I feel hollow inside. Goodbye cruel, unpleasant world. I hope you know my life was a living hell.

Suddenly, as the sword starts to swing down upon my neck, a window overhead shatters. A long and magnificent dragon swoops in with a familiar figure dangling from its jaws. His eyes widen with anger and his fists burst into flame when he sees me.

"My good old friend!" I exclaim as his amber eyes meet mine.

"You?! Inferno, put me down this instant! I command you- whoa!" The dragon obeys unexpectedly and Prince Feugo, now safely set on the ground, looks at me. His eyes are literally burning.

"Hey, Buddy. Care to help a friend out?" I ask innocently to him.

"Why would I help you? You almost killed me earlier. Wait, did you call me Buddy?" he says, double taking a look at me.

"Point taken. You just interrupted my execution. Obviously the Ice King and Queen hate me and honestly I hate them back and you hate them. So, wouldn't the enemy of your enemy be your ally?" I look at him, my last hope of life. He tilts his head sideways, he gives me a crooked half smile.

He stares at me blankly for a moment and I am unsure if he really understands or not. But soon, he sighs, smoke rising from his lips. "I suppose so."

Hope ignites in my chest. I might be saved after all.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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