Chrystal's POV

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"Ouch! That hurts!" I say wincing in pain. My shoulders jerk away from Rin's grasp. He holds the bloody washcloth in his hand, a stern look upon his boyish cute features. He tries to press the cloth against the bad burn again, but I jump away. "Don't," I say, "It hurts!"

"Sorry," he mumbles. "What were you doing again?" I bite my lip and look down at the ground. I hadn't told him what I had really been doing. I look up at him, my ice blue eyes meeting his silver ones. He stares at me intently, as if trying to read my mind.

"Nothing..." I say, my voice trailing off. He raises his eyebrows at me. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and in walks the lovely Shayla. Shiny, silver hair that flutters around her waist when she walks around. Dark and stormy grey eyes. Tall, slender, big chested. The kind of girl that would make any guy trailing her drooling like neanderthals.

She was the exact opposite of me. I had short white wavy hair. I was exteremly small, but packed a pretty hard punch. I had icy blue eyes, that had sliver flecks in them making it look like a clear winter sky, small snowflakes falling gently. But the reason I hated her most was because she was engaged to Rin.

Of course, Rin couldn't stand her either. But his parents, the queen and king, adored her. Couldn't get enough of her. Therefor, the engagement. "Rin, dear," she bends over, her lips brushing his cheek. She stood back up and literally let loose a sound that sounded like, Eeeek! Supressing a smile, I watch her look in digust at the cloth and then my shoulder.

"That is just disturbing!" Her pale, soft, unscarred skin starts to turn green. She turns around and runs out of the room like it was on fire. As soon as she is out of the room, I start bursting out laughing. Rin looks over at me his face splits into a wide smile.

"She just reminded me," he says. He moves forward and clasps my hand in his. His face turns serious which turns my 'something big's about to be said/done' signal on. "I'm going to tell my parents that I'm not going through with Shayla's marriage and..." He trails off and goes down on one knee. My heart skips a beat. I watch as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a diamond ring."Chrystal will you marry me?"


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