Harry Potter love story. Years 4-7.
Mature content.
Ruby & Harry swore up and down they would never develop feelings for the other. That would be disgusting! Until they started their 2nd year relationship... They may have had that spark in the past...
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"You're telling me that you're worried because your godfather— an ex-convict who is currently on the run— hasn't messaged you back yet?" —————————
"Now that we are all fed and watered, I must now ask for your attention once more, while I give out a few notices." Dumbledore clasped his hands together while he stood in the front of the room.
"Well, all but two are fed and watered." Harry remarked as he looked down at my depressed expression that had continued to rest against his shoulder without a nibble of dinner during the feast, and his eyes flickered at 'Mione who was protesting the meal after Nearly Headless Nick spilled the every-flavor beans about the house-elves that work in the castle. Guess that news hit a little too close to home after what we had witnessed in the field at the World Cup with Winky.
"Pfft, girls. You two are so dramatic. You-" Ron pointed a finger at Hermione across from us, who was now sitting with Ginny at her side instead of Harry. "There's so many house-elves out there, you can't possibly save them all. Plus, they live to serve. Sorry to break it to you." He said sternly, and her face started to scrunch up in distaste.
"And you, sis," he turned towards me, while my eyes remained on the aged wood of the table. My legs were still propped up on the boy next to me's, my arms were wrapped around one of Harry's, and my fingers were interlocked with his comfortingly. "Well, you just look-"
"Ron, I think she's actually sick. This isn't normal. Feel her head or something." Harry sounded a little concerned as he whispered behind my back at Ron.
"I'm fine, just leave me be." I mumbled, and it was so strange that my emotions were calm and controlled, and I felt fine, but at the same time I felt like the world was crumbling down around me. And for what? There was no reason to feel so sick over absolutely nothing. "Last time I felt like this... weird feeling in my chest, it was when I went home from the World Cup." I told them.
And by them, I mean Ron and Harry. Ginny and the twins were paying more attention to Dumbledore at the front of the Hall while Hermione was still pouting about the elves, and Harry forced my head off of his shoulder to look me in the eyes.
"What? Like anxiety or something? What do you mean you have a weird feeling?" He tried asking me for more details and I shrugged.
"No, just like... something's off. Nothing happened, and it feels like my emotions are all over the place." I tried my hardest to explain.
"Rube, I think that's what they refer to as your 'ladies day's'. Your mum's had the talk mine gave Ginny with you, right?" Ron mumbled from the corner of his mouth and my anger spiked quickly as I slapped his shoulder and growled at him.
"Honestly, Ronald Weasley, I know what a period is and this is not that!" I scolded him as quietly as I could muster in the moment, and Harry laughed next to me as Ron's face flushed with embarrassment.