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"You ride a broom better than any girl I know!"—————————

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"You ride a broom better than any girl I know!"

The news about Harry's shouting match with the new Professor had seemed to sweep through Hogwarts at an alarmingly fast rate. Whispers were floating towards us at dinner that night in the Great Hall, but the students starting the gossiping didn't seem to mind if Harry overheard the things they were saying. To me, it seemed like they wanted him to hear just so he would start shouting again and tell them the story about Cedric.

"I don't understand how they all believed the story two months ago when Dumbledore told them-"

"I don't think they really did, Harry." Hermione bit her lips and looked around the room. "Let's just get out of here." She suggested. Harry gladly slammed his fork and knife down on the table and lead the way. Ron hesitated for a moment while he frowned at his half-eaten dinner before he followed.

"What do you mean you don't think they believed him?" He asked when we had reached the first-floor landing.

"When..." I started, but paused to collect the words. "You don't know what it was like on our end that night. I thought you were dead when you finally came back, everyone saw Cedric's body laid out on the lawn, no one could see what was happening... No one could see what was happening in that maze..." I tried explaining grimly.

"We just had Dumbledore's word for it that You-Know-Who was back and had killed Cedric." Hermione took over for me.

"Which is true!" Harry barked.

"We know that, so will you please stop biting my head off anytime I speak to you?!" Hermione hissed right back. The rain was pouring outside the windows of the castle, and reminded me how gloomy our first day had been. "But no one else had time to process the information before they were sent back home and had to read about you being a nutcase in the papers, and how Dumbledore is senile!" She lead the way into the common room. Crookshanks, who had been laying on Hermione's favorite chair by the fireplace, started purring loudly to greet us when we took a seat.

"How could Dumbledore do this to us? How could he hire someone that doesn't want to teach us magic— that wants us to spy for her and report back if we hear anyone speak of Voldemort! Why would he let a Ministry spy come in here for Fudge?! What the hell is he playing at?!" I sunk further into my arm chair and felt my brows knit together with disgust.

"Ruby, love, please don't start shouting again." Harry rubbed his temples. "I can't take much more today." He gave me a pleading look. My anger didn't simmer from his request. "Let's just do homework or something— get it out of the way." He begged. Hermione seemed to be shaking her head, but not in the direction of any of us.

"I've told them time and time again not to practice their stupid tricks on students!" She growled, throwing her books down and stomping towards the twins in the corner of the room, where a number of first year students had passed out along the floor thanks to their new fainting candies.

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